13. Idk what to title this.

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*grammar errors not edited*

3rd POV:
Jenna's funeral:

"We're going to head back to the house." Stefan says as he approaches his brother.

"I think I'll skip the coffee and tea cakes." The older Salvatore says while fiddling with his ring looking at the spot where Aria was standing no less than 10 minutes earlier. 

"Damon she needs you right now. They both need us." Stefan says trying to convince his brother to come with him.

"I'm sure you just heard what happened. She hates me, Stefan."

"That doesn't mean you stop caring and stop being there."

"Then what's the plan Stefan? The curse is broken. How does one go about killing an all powerful wolf vampire and his two faced older brother?" Damon asks.

"I have no idea."

"We need to get an idea. Fast."

"I'm not going to let Elena or Aria lose anybody else." Stefan says seriously.

"I wouldn't make any promises brother." Damon says as he rolls up his sleeve.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Tyler Lockwood bit me." Damon says showing Stefan his arm. "It's actually more of a nip really. But there it is."

"We'll find something. A cure."

"There's no cure, Stefan."

"We kept Elena human right? We found a way when there was no way. I will do this."

"Want to do something for me? Keep this from Aria. And don't tell Elena, I'm positive she'll just go and tell her sister." Damon says looking his brother in the eyes. "Last thing they need is another grave to mourn."

Aria POV:

Sulking, that seemed to be my new hobby. My ceiling was my new favorite thing to watch as I lay in my bed, wishing and hoping that I would wake up from this horrid dream. Yet I can't, because it isn't a dream. It's a living nightmare, and the chit chat that's going on outside my door isn't helping. With how loudly they were speaking, I didn't need vampire hearing to eavesdrop.

"Have you talked to my sister?"

"Um no I haven't. She told me to stay away from her. So I'm giving her the space she asked for."

Funny, I asked for space but I'm not sure if that's what I want.....

"She just needs time Damon. Maybe a lot of it. You are the one person she thought would never lie to her. She thought you'd never abandon her, and maybe you really didn't but there should have never been a moment that made her feel like you did."

"Tell her to take all the time she needs."

Sighing, a roll over in bed. At least make sure I'm asleep before you talk about me in my own home.


Turning my head, Elena stands at my door with a sad smile on her face. "You know if you're gonna talk about me at least make sure I can't hear." I grumble

"I know it's hard Aria. But everything is going to be okay. I promise I will protect you and I'll do my best to make sure everyone else stays safe."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I have an idea!" Elena says excitedly.

"Great this should be fun." I say sarcastically, watching her as she gives me a glare.

Aria Gilbert | klaus mikaelson | Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora