20. After math

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*grammar errors not edited*

3rd POV:

"How did this happen?!"

"We thought of everything! Klaus having hybrids, Mikael turning on us, we brought in Katherine so you weren't in danger, we tried keeping Aria out of it so she wouldn't get hurt! Anything that could of gone wrong we were prepared for" the oldest Salvatore yells angrily.

"I don't understand, Stefan wanted Klaus dead more than anything. That's what we were counting on! Now look, Klaus is still living and Aria got hurt! We don't even know if she's going to wake up! It's been hours Damon! Are you sure you guys were able to get vampire blood into her system?" Elena asks fearing for her sisters life.

"Yes Elena! Klaus fed her his blood before she completely lost consciousness. Then I did it. God dammit!" Damon yells throwing his cup of bourbon at a wall. "I said I'd be there for her! I said I'd protect her! I failed! Again!"

"What did Mikael mean when he told Klaus if he were to kill Aria there would be no one to tolerate him?" Elena questions.

"I don't know Elena! Clearly there's something going on and she isn't telling us!! And Klaus called her pumpkin? Who calls someone pumpkin?! Why call her a food?" Damon demands.

"You call her muffin" Elena points out.

"Well it's cute when I do it!"

Arias POV:

I gasp for air the minute I wake up. Scared out of my mind I take in my surroundings. I'm in Damon's room laying on his bed. I'm not sure how to even feel at the moment. I almost died, because they did everything to make sure Elena wasn't getting hurt yet they didn't do the same for me? I get I don't have a doppelgänger to switch places with me but still.

"Hey you're awake" Elena says softly as she enters the room.

"How you feeling?" Damon asks.

"I could've died, Damon. How do you think I'm feeling?"

"Muffin I didn't think Mikael would use you against Klaus." Damon says hugging me and rubbing my back. "Elena's blood provides hybrids but we should have taken more precaution with you as well instead of just keeping you out of the loop. I'm so sorry."

"I thought I lost you, A. I was so scared! It took you almost 12 hours to wake up." Elena says coming to me as well and running her finger through my hair.

"How did I survive?" I asked. 

"Klaus Stefan and I each fed you our blood. We were all panicking so we thought all three of us doing it would somehow heal you faster." Damon says sheepishly.

"I think I'm going to go home and change."

"Do you want us to drive you?" Elena asks gently

"No, I need space from you guys." I mumble.


"No, Damon. I know you say you tried to keep me safe but there was no actual effort. Heck, Klaus did a better job of trying to keep me safe! So please, just let me be." I sigh.

"Okay well when you're finished meet us at the grill." They both say giving me a sad look.

Not giving them an answer, I walk out of the room. I was frustrated, all I heard was excuses. Yes we didn't see it coming but I've seen the way they take precautions for everything so why not me? Yet I haven't been hurt up until now. We all make mistakes. Right? Groaning, I put my car in Park. Staring at my home I let out a sigh. Getting out of the car, I quickly make my way into my room.

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