I looked at him for a while, just to see what could possibly go on in that gelled up head.

Then I just grabbed my tote bag and walked out of the kitchen heading for the door. I think that he wanted to get me mad enough so that he wouldn't have to drive me to school. Well it worked.

When I reached the school I headed up to the second floor, so that I could meet Leah by her locker. I pushed past the laughing and yelling crowds of people. I saw Leah's petite figure grabbing books out of her locker.

"Hey," I said when I reached her.

"Oh, hi." She said sadly. She looked depressed. Her usually bright eyes were dark and clouded.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Well, Jared said that he can't come to the dinner party with me. Apparently, something really important has come up, but he won't tell me what it is. I mean I know I shouldn't be so upset, but I was really looking forward to this, and I just wish he could come. I know all the other girls are going to have their boyfriends there, I don't want to be alone." She explained.

"Aw, Leah don't worry about it. You won't be that lonely, you'll have your parents there." I reassured her, but she just gave me an 'Are you kidding me' look. "Well, you'll have some of those girls you know there too, Come on Leah, it'll be great. Okay?"

She sighed. "I guess you're right. Thanks Kait." She said.

"No problem." I gave her a smile. Now all I had to do was to find out what Jared's "important thing that came up" is.

"Uh, I got to go, uh go get an assignment I missed from...my math teacher." I lied.

She nodded and smiled, so I guess she didn't notice.

I made my way to the third floor where Jared's locker is. I saw him talking with some of his friends.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked him, when I reached him.

Apparently, he didn't hear me, or he pretended not to hear me.

"Jared, can I talk to you about something?" I asked again, a bit more loudly.

Again, he ignored me.

Okay, what is his problem? "JARED FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, CAN I TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMETHING?" I shouted, really close to his ear.

He flinched. "Dude. What is your problem?" He asked. His friends just looked at me like I was some psycho.

"I just said that, I wanted to talk to you about something." I told him.

He sighed. "Fine."

I looked at his friends. "Uh, can you leave or something? This has nothing to do with you."

They just looked at me and mumbled things like "Bitch" and "What's her problem." As if I care.

When they left Jared turned to me. "Okay, what do you want?"

"Why are you not going with Leah to the dinner?" I asked, as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Something came up." He replied, as he spun the combination on his locker.

I scoffed. "Oh don't give me the whole 'something came up' crap, I didn't come here to get that answer. I want to know what really came up."

"Look, it's none of your business." He snapped.

"Oh, you want to know what? It is my business, because I saw you with another girl while you're still dating my best friend and I can tell her about it, anytime that I want to." I threatened.

Once a Cheater, Always a CheaterWhere stories live. Discover now