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^^i got him a lot because 😌 i'm that bitch De: bruh you making me feel bad Y: why??De: because i only got you one thing Y: ok idc all that matters is you got me something De: alright, you know i love you right Y: ofc, why are you acting weirdDe: ...

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^^i got him a lot because 😌 i'm that bitch
De: bruh you making me feel bad
Y: why??
De: because i only got you one thing
Y: ok idc all that matters is you got me something
De: alright, you know i love you right
Y: ofc, why are you acting weird
De: y/n when i first saw you i never thought i would be here with you but once i talked to you in the parking lot i knew that was all gonna change, and i know i've messed up a lot and that's my fault i caused you heartache and pain but i promise to love you and try my best to make you happy as much as i can, and then once i found out you were pregnant it was like i fell in love with you all over again and i messed up the day Azlynn was born for you i know that but i never did it to purposely hurt you i promise and i will try my hardest to change and that brings me to one thing........will you marry me??
Y: wha uh omg are you serious
De: never been more serious in my life
dejuane put the ring on my finger then i jumped on him and we spun in a circle for what felt like forever, i was so happy bruh everything felt like it was finally falling in to place, once dejuane puts me down i look and the ring and my jaw drops
Y: omg how much did this cost
De: $10,300
Y: omg wtf you didn't have to do that, that's a lot of money
De: but no money can show my love for you
Y: baby i love the ring and that's hella sweet but 10,300$ is a lot
De: i know but that's the one i wanted for you
Y: it's beautiful but wow
De: nothing is more beautiful than you
Y: ok stop simp
De: i'm one step closer to be able to change your last name
Y: you really are dedicated
De: ofc i am

will you marry me??Y: wha uh omg are you seriousDe: never been more serious in my life Y: OMG OMG OF COURSE dejuane put the ring on my finger then i jumped on him and we spun in a circle for what felt like forever, i was so happy bruh everything f...

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oh btw this is the ring ^^

after i gave dejuane ALOT of hugs and kisses we sat down and watched Azlynn play with her toys then we brought her and her toys in the living room and i called EVERYONE even dejuanes parents into the living room so i can tell them it took everyone about an hour to get there

Varo: hey y/n
Y: hey varo now sit down
Y/m: why are we here
D/m: that's a good question
Y: well.........
Dad: come on tell us
Y: well look
i say lifting my hand and showing my ring
Art: omg i'm so happy for you
the group including Alejandro, Alvaro, Hailey and Ayaina hug me and dejuane then once they move me and dejuane look at our parents
Dad: if that what you want then i'm happy
D/d: as long as y/n keeps my son happy
D/m: you have my approval
Y: what about you mom??
Y/m: no
Y: here we go again
Y/m: i just feel like there are other guys out there for you
Y: well dejuane is that person
Y/m: if you stay with him then just know you're disappointing me
Y: ofc mom because when dont
i walk off leaving everyone in the living and going in the room locking the door and crying and punching things because she can never just be happy for me

Dejuane POV
once y/n left i got pissed off because it's like her mom doesn't approve of anything she does while she's with me
De: wtf is your problem with me
Ma: dejuane don't
De: no because i don't even give you a reason to now like me but you do anyway, yes i've made mistakes like humans do but everytime i do something that makes her happy it just seems to upset you, do you really think we can't see how jealous you are, you try to hide it but know you're just jealous because you think everyone's relationship is gonna turn out like yours, we may be young but i'm not dumb i know what the fuck love is and i know i would die for y/n so if you can accept me being in her life then leave because i'm not going anywhere
Art: oop
A: yessir
i walk to the room then knock and y/n opens the door and i can tell she's been crying so i wrap my arms around her head then we walk back into the living room
end of Dejuane POV

Y: so mom what is gonna be approve of my relationship or leave
Y/m: i'm leaving
Y: ofc you are just GET THE FUCK OUT
Y/m: i will
my mom gets up then she picks up Azlynn
Y: wait wtf are you doing
Y/m: if i leave Azlynn comes with me
A: bro wtf you can't do that!!!!
Kai: ong put her down
Ale: NOW
Y/m: no if y/n doesn't leave dejuane then Azlynn comes with me all i have to do is go to court and say she's an unfit parent after all you are only 17
Y: please don't do this because i'm not leaving dejuane
Hai: that fucked up give her Azlynn back
Varo: you can't take her baby away because you can't get what you want
De: if you don't like me that's fine but you're not taking Azlynn from us
Y/m: watch me
she walks towards the door and grabs the handle
Y: WAIT PLEASE i'll leave him i'll do it
Y/m: alright get your bags and come on
De: wait no baby you can do this please
A: y/n wtf
Ay: y/n don't do this
i go to my room and get my gun, i love my mom but i'm dont leaving dejuane and she's not taking Azlynn, then i walk out the room and raise it to her

De: woah woah y/n don't
Y: mom i love you but i'm not leaving dejuane and i'll be damned if i let you take Azlynn away from us
Y/m: you wouldn't shoot me
i shoot right next to her but not hitting her
Y: i think i would
Ale: y/n it's ok
Y: no it's not because she wants me to leave dejuane and i'm not AND SHES NOT TAKING AZLYNN FROM US so mom either give her back or i'll make sure she looks nice at your funeral
Dad: y/n it's ok, give her the baby back
she doesn't move she just stays frozen
Y: babe can you go get Azlynn
dejuane gets Azlynn then i put the gun down and walk off going in the room and dejuane follows behind me
Y: i'm sorry she ruined today for us
De: today was still perfect because i got to see how real you are
Y: funny
De: i'm serious i got to see that you wouldn't let anyone take us from you and i appreciate it so much
Y: thank you
dejuane puts Azlynn to sleep then after we take a relaxing bath and drink hot chocolate then we use the stuff i bought for zoomies 👍🏾

bruh i made a tiktok and it got 20k views but i deleted it because if dejuane saw it i would probably be on the block list 💀

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