Imma be real, I'm not okay at the moment.

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Sooooooo . . .

I'm not gonna even try to lie.

I'm not doing okay at the moment.

Since school started, I haven't even been able to write.

Y'all obviously know this.

But, once again, here's why.

1. School

I knew highschool was gonna be rough, but I didn't expect it to be THIS rough.

I haven't gone a single night without homework and I'm working on school work even on the weekends. And it's all for art. Yes, art. My teacher gives us so much work it's unbelievable. And I've had more tests in the past month than anyone could count.

School's already broken me down.

I have no friends. They either grew away, or left me. So I'm basically by myself for 7 hours each day.

Have I tried to make friends? Yes. Has that worked? No.

Moving on.

2. Outside of school

Like I've said before, I've been swamped with work outside of school.

And my after school activities are starting back up so that takes up more time.

And I'm teaching a dance class every Wednesday and don't get out of the studio until 8 pm.

And Ive been stressing over a service project that's due by December and I'm only halfway done.

And I'm gonna be repainting my room sometime soon

Then there's my dad. He's been having some post surgery complications from a surgery back in February, so he's gotta go back for an even bigger surgery to fix everything. So I'm worried about that.

So yeah. I'm under a lot of stress and it honestly feels good to vent this out.

But I want you all to know that I thank you for the support that you've given me and for being loyal readers.

But from here on, until I get the time where I can write and not feel pressured about it, I will not be officially updating. I'm sorry.

I do hope you understand. There's just so much I need to focus on right now and I can't get the time to write. 

Thank you my lovelies. May the force be with you.

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