We're In The Endgame Now

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Writer of this chapter: Abbie


This was it. The final battle. Thanos had blown the Avengers base to smithereens, leaving a wasteland with craters and rubble behind. 

I lie on the ground, tired, beaten, and half dead. When Thanos knocked Cap away, I stepped in and tried to fight him. Keyword; tried. I was going strong, then he decided to take a swipe at me with his huge ass double blade sword. He cut a pretty deep gash into my side. That's when he really started to kick my ass. He hit me over, and over, and over until he finally knocked me a few yards away from where Cap landed. Thanos then starts to talk about some shit that I can't properly hear. He then summons his army. Oh shit, we're so dead. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Cap get up. Damn, he really could do this all day. It was just him facing Thanos. But he can't do it alone. I roll over and push myself up even though my body tells me to stay down. The gash in my side drips blood, but I've become too numb to notice. I finally manage to get myself up to my feet. I walk up and stand beside Cap. He looks at me. The look on his face says it all. He knows that this might be our final moments. And that it was nice having me on the team and being my friend. Just as Thanos approaches, our comms crackle. Cap and I stand there confused. 

"On your left." 

We turn around just as swirling rings of orange sparks open up to a portal. T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye are the first to walk out. Then another one appears. Then another. Then another. Soon, the sky is light with not only the glow from the fire but with the glow of the portals. People emerge from them. Wakandans, those wizard guys, and people I thought we lost when the purple dickhead snapped his fingers. I watch as Sam flys through a portal and as Bucky walks through another. I see Peter swing out of one; wait, what is his we attached to? Never mind. Soon, we have an army of our own. The Wakandan army is shouting a word I don't know, but it adds to the dramatic effect. Once everyone is out, and ready, Cap and I turn towards Thanos and his army.

"Avengers, Assemble." 

And the battle begins.


We won. 

We won. 

It took a minute to register the words in my head. I can't believe we won. Mr. Stark somehow managed to pull a quick switch a roo with the gauntlets and get the real one. He snapped his fingers and Thano's army dusted, and then himself. But it costed his life. I watch as Pepper tells Tony that he can rest. His head falls limp, and his arc reactor light flickered then died. A few tears fell down my face, making tracks in the soot and dirt that caked my face. Everyone is silent. Besides the few that sob and cry. I wanted to move forward to comfort Peter, who has been my best friend since we were kids. But a ringing stops me. It's like one of those annoying ringing sounds in your ears that you get at random times. But it started getting Louder. I tried to ignore it and walk towards them, but my legs gave out on the first step. I fall to the ground, landing on my side. I let out a sharp cry. It hurts so badly. Why? Wait, oh shit. I forgot. The purple grape cut me in the side. I slowly reach to touch it and see how bad the bleeding is. When I pull my hand back, it's covered in blood. 

The ringing had gotten so loud that I didn't even notice Cap kneeling next to me. He was saying something, but I couldn't hear him. My vision was getting blurry. I don't like this. I reach out to Cap, practically blindly grasping for him. His hand closes around mine and I feel another hand stroking my head. I take it that it's Cap's hand on my head. My vision finally gets to a point where I can't even make out the outline of things. My body slowly relaxes and the pain slowly washes away. My eyes start to close, even though I don't want them to. Finally, they close all the way, and I fully relax, and I let out a breath. Then there's nothing. Just darkness. I don't feel anything, I can't hear anything. It's. . .peaceful. Maybe I shouldn't fight it. We made it to the endgame, and we won, so I think I can rest now. That was my final thought before I let go completely, slipping into an eternal sleep.

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