Chapter 12 - Edited

Start from the beginning

The envoys pulled up in front of a three-story pack house. The house was white and navy blue.

Damon knew the stories that were being shared from this pack, but he had to see it for himself. Was the Silver Light Pack Alpha's daughter really as powerful as these stories claimed or are they merely fairytales? He was looking forward to meeting her and putting a face to the power and maybe even debunk any myths that might have been shared along the grape vine.  He wasn't a man to trust rumours. He was the kind of man who trusted his gut instinct, his intuition and his knowledge. He watched everything and had a keen eye for detail and a keener eye for figuring out who was trying to pull the wool over his eyes.

Weres stepped out of the house in a V formation looking down at the envoys and the people standing next to them. One man stepped forward with his arms raised and spoke.

 "Welcome Moonstone Elite Pack. I am Alpha Don and I thank you for coming. Please come inside."

Damon climbed the porched stairs first and the weres in the V formation parted smoothly to let him inside. His men and women following suit.

Vivienne, a small in stature cute blonde with razor sharp eyes scanned the room before her as she stood beside her Alpha and mate.

Damon stood in the middle of the room as werewolves started to cram into the huge lounge room space.

 "Don-" Damon nodded at the other Alpha, "Update me on what you have so far."

 Don nodded and gestured to the couch behind Damon who sat.

"Recently, we sent a research team of our finest archaeologists to Greece to survey the historical sites there for any information on the moon Goddess and Goddess Artemis of Light for information on any extraordinary powers or changes that have been in the werewolf community. There has been nothing like that on any of the sites and no further clues as to why this would be happening or why my daughter was chosen eight years ago to have this power."

 "Anything else?"

 "At one of the sites in Greece there were ancient werewolves of a different yet similar species waiting or hiding from view before they attacked my pack members. This forced my daughter triggered something within her and it was like she projected herself to our pack members which she then saved from the attack and brought them all back home along with their belongings. There was no trace left behind of them being there. We couldn't leave a trace of where they were going or why they were there incase it alerted any human authorities."

 Damon nodded and looked around the room.

 "Is you daughter here now?"

The Silver Light Pack members looked at each other quickly.

 "She is in the hospital, Damon." Don said, quietly. "She can't move her legs. The doctors seem to think its psychosomatic because she has always felt some fear about where her new path has been taking her. And her mother seems to think that something more is going on and that's why she is bedridden."

Damon leaned back on the navy couch, pulling out his phone to message his mother.

Mother, please call the specialist in neurology, especially someone whose focus is on the spine. We may also need a physical therapist to come over as well. The Alphas daughter doesn't seem to be in the shape we expected her in.

Damon didn't wait for a response and put his phone back into his pocket and looked around the room again and slowly stood up.

"Don, fear is a useless emotion and the sooner your daughter realises that the better."

"She's only sixteen, Damon."

"Yes, but at sixteen we have all had our struggles. Hers just seem to include the rest of us. Now let's go see her and get to the bottom of this silliness."

"Damon, if you wouldn't mind me speaking plainly."

Damon turned to look at Don with cold, lifeless eyes.

 "What is it Don?"

 "Even though my daughter is bedridden, she is quick to anger and with that her power unleashes itself on anyone who triggers it. It will be best if you do not show your aversion or anger in her presence."

Damon thought for moment and nodded. With that he let the Alpha of the Silver Light Pack lead the way.


A/N: Hi Everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter and my story. I appreciate you all getting to this stage. Things have been busy lately so I have taken my time in uploading. More to the point, I wasn't sure how these next few chapters would be for some of you. This story line and its characters and who their mates are have changed. You may not like it, but if you are still intrigue to find out what happens, keep reading and let me know in the comments section if it is a good addition to the story.

Many thanks to all of you! Thanks for reading :)


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