Chapter Eleven : Angel

Começar do início

I nodded as both blondes approached me, both looking worried. Annabeth sat at my back deciding to investigate my wings while Luke sat in front of me.

I kept my eyes on Luke wincing a bit when I felt a light tug on my wings.

"Sensitive," Annabeth noted. "Can you move them?"

Move them? "I haven't tried," I admitted closing my eyes. I tried to focus on moving the limbs on my back. Unfortunately, I couldn't feel anything. I reopened my eyes shaking my head. "No."

Luke frowned. "They did just grow out maybe they're still weak." Luke reasoned. "Birds can't fly when they're firstborn."

"Yeah." Annabeth agreed shuffling to Luke's side away from my wings. "We'll just give it a bit more time."

"Are you hungry?" Luke asked swiftly changing the subject. I was suddenly aware of how empty my stomach felt, it grumbled in response.

I nodded getting to my feet. I wobbled slightly from the new weight finding it odd. My wings refused to move just hanging from my back. Luke grabbed my cloak draping it over my shoulders. Annabeth gently lifted the wings so they would go inside my cloak hiding them from the outside world. At least I wouldn't be dragging them on the ground everywhere.

"Your mom said they shouldn't cause any internal problems," Luke told me as we left the Hermes cabin. I tilted my head wanting to know how they got into contact with my mommy so fast. I was also curious about how my mommy knew about this. "She also said she's going to beat your dad up for not claiming you yet."

I smiled. At least mommy hasn't changed at all.

"And Chiron said it might be a good idea to start training you how to use them," Luke added as we approached the Pavillion. "I'll be right back." He sent me a grin before disappearing.

Annabeth and I sat at the Hermes table. There were a few campers spread out shoveling down a late breakfast. Luke reappeared with a plate full of fruit.

Instead of complaining, I grabbed an apple taking a deep bite of the red fruit.

"How are you going to train me?" I asked curiously when I swallowed the bite of an apple, only to take another one.

Luke sighed. "I have no idea." He admitted. "I don't know any campers who have wings."

"Chiron said you would know someone," Annabeth said making both of them look at me.

I nodded taking a bite of my apple. Chiron probably meant Eros since he's the only person I know who has wings.

A god who has wings and mommy blamed my dad for having wings. I didn't think Eros was my dad. He did say he was helping me because of my dad.

I swallowed the piece of apple in my mouth. "Yeah, I know someone," I mumbled quietly.

And Eros was the god of love. If my wings were there because of my dad then seeing ghosts should've come from him too.

"Did they also teach you how to turn invisible?" Luke asked me looking concerned.

"Yeah, he's nice." I smile remembering the god of love. "He's kind of-" I paused trying to think of the right word. "Eccentric?"

Luke chuckled a bit at the big word. "Eccentric?" He questioned. Annabeth looked proud her grey eyes shining. "Where did you learn that word?"

"Uh." Should I tell them about me meeting Hermes and Ares? "From a book?"

"A book?" Luke repeated not believing my words. I nodded taking another bite from my apple.

"How's your Latin coming along?" Annabeth asked changing the subject.

Death Girl [Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora