Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Lies You Tell

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"There's nothing going on between us.." He told me. "It's all lies! I swear it is!" He'd defended himself. Each time I believed him. Through the allegations of his and Tatiana's relationship, I forced myself to believe him, and even after he kissed her. I continued to believe him until the very media I despise revealed his lies.

"Jacko goes Wacko in Louisville airport! Running frantically for his new arm candy, Jesse Edmonds! I think it's safe to say he's over and done with Tatiana Thumpzen" The television rambles, flashing a collage of photos of him and I, him and her.

"Wacko's in love! But one apparently isn't enough. With his ballerina mysteriously out of the picture, it seems like now he's looking out to rekindle thing's with the wolfely beaut, Brooke Shield's. The question is, where's his ballerina?" The reporter would continue to antagonize my boggled emotions.

I trust him, but he lied to me. His lie was not verbal, but the pictorial reports of him and this gorgeous woman arm linked as if to be overly enjoying each others company, told the lies within itself. That women isn't just any woman, she's his ex-girlfriend. The very woman he lusted over. The woman he pulled into his wondrous world of steamy kisses and pleasurable suffocating touches. He lied to me.

With each day, there's another story about the two and their outings. With each passing week, there's a more in depth look into their past relationship as the media gawks over them. And each time I witness this through the torment of television, my heart shatters more. I always remember his words each night he ends our calls, "I love you Jesse. I really do", His words are promising, but seemingly reveals his cover up.

Never once does he mentions the crazed stories about his and Brookes developing relationship. I can't comprehend that, not the least bit. Is he purposely doing this to me? Is he even aware that I know? How can he be so nonchalant about it? These questions and more burn into my thoughts, prohibiting my focus as I try to give him the benefit of the doubt. My hope is running thin.

"You did great Miss Edmond. I'm proud of you. I knew you could do it" He smiles, his cocoa eyes soft and warm.

I return his smile with a bashful one of my own. I've been practicing for weeks for this new routine, making sure every step has been ran through numerous of times. I just want things to be perfect before May. I want this last tour stop to be one that no one ever forgets. I want to end this tour with a exponent that leaves everyone in wonder of it's variable. I want to be unforgettable.

With this long term goal in mind, I pondered for over a month on Chehon's offer. I wanted to be angry at him for allowing me to question myself. For allowing me to lower my standards of my abilities.

But I couldn't be angry with him. Chehon wanted to help. My fiery nature sent the message of cockiness when on the other hand, his offer was genuine and helpful as well as his tips. Therefore after a month of ponder, I decided to make use of his business card and contact him for private lessons.

I am surely glad I did. It is a true factoid that I am quite a advanced dancer, but I still have much to learn. Chehon has taught me that learning has no limits. When you have completed one milestone, keep moving onward. A dancers work is never finished. I allowed myself to forget that, but fortunately Chehon has revived that mind set for me.

"I'm serious Miss Edmond. You did great! Wonderful even. You will definitely be ready for May in no time. Great job" He continues to compliment as I gorge on my rapidly condensing bottled water.

After my long chug, I flash him another smile and begin to gather my things. I'm extremely proud of myself as well. I've been off track for awhile with the cause being Michael's new rendezvous with Brooke. Though the thoughts of them possibly rekindling things seemingly crosses my mind more than it should, I pride myself of my main focus, dancing.

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