Chapter Twenty-Eight: Strength Within Tragedy

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"When your world falls apart, listen to your heart" She whispers, stroking my forehead.

"But what if my heart is wrong?" I question.

She smiles, tapping my nose gently.

"Your heart will never steer you wrong, your heart knows best" She assures me.

I glance into her hazel eyes, these eyes I love so much. Mommy is so beautiful.

"When I become a mommy, I'll tell my daughter what you told me mommy" I smile, shifting beneath my covers in excitement.

Mommy giggles, her pearls appearing between her lips.

"Oh my dear Jesse, I know you'll be a great mommy one day. Just focus on letting me be mommy for now, okay?"

I nod, giggling once she bends down to nuzzle our noses.

"I love you mommy"

"I love you too gummy bear" she smiles.

I can't wait to be a mommy. I'll be the best mommy in the world, just like my mommy.

One day. One day.

I cringe over the porcelain bowl, my winces echoing throughout the room. I cling onto the rim of it's seat, desperate to stand up and call for help. I'm alone. No one can hear me. I want Michael, I need him. Finally standing to my feet, I trample out of the bathroom and somehow make it over to our bedside table. My mind is clouded, but I refuse to allow negativity to have way of my mind.

Since the Madison Sqaure Gardens concert, thing's have become more hectic. Michael fired both Frank and Tatiana, with no warning. He would'nt construe his reason to me either when he did return to our suit that night. Though I was pained by Tatiana's stunt that night, I was more troubled by the intense pain in my ovaries. I didn't know what was going on, I just knew I had to depart and find an anecdote for this pain.

Upon returning to the hotel, I contemplated on whether or not I should inform Michael. I eventually convinced myself, that he has enough to worry about, therefore after taking an prenatal antibiotic, I smothered myself between the comfort of our bed while silently wishing Michael was there.

Now here I am, three days later in an even more critical situation. I'm cursing myself for not informing Michael. I let my insecurity of his incoherence of my hints degrade the true sensibility of allowing him knowledge. My naive decision making has led to my own backfiring of torment. I'm alone, and I don't know what to do.

I cry out in pain, another stab to my ovaries sending a dispensable amount of pain throughout my lower body. I reach for the hotel phone, clinging onto my abdomen desperately. Through cloudy vision, I manage to dial someone's number.

"Hello, Hello?" An unfamiliar voice rings from the other end.

I open my mouth to speak, but I'm once again smitten by a rushing of liquid down my legs. Glancing down, my tears flow heavily. My worse nightmare, happening before my eyes. Managing to return the phone to it's receiver, I frantically, wrap my hotel rob around me in an attempt to reduce the seeping blood flow. I ingress away into the bathroom, I cradle over the bath tub and begin running water, bringing to bare and maintain positive thoughts, though my body has chosen my conclusion.

Immigrating into the warm water of the bath tub, I close my eyes as the water envelopes me as my only means of comfort. I don't dare remove my rob as I sulk into the water, praying to God that this all to just be a nightmare. A terrible nightmare. I silently continue my prayer that Michael would suddenly appears and that our baby will be spared in becoming an beautiful angel. I don't want to loose this child before Michael can even configure my pregnancy.

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