Chapter Five: Sanity

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When questioned about my relationship with my fans, my answer is always repetitive and replicated. I love my fans. They will fight with you to defend me. They are my world. Black, white, Asian, Latino, there are as much apart of my music as I am. It actually sends me into a state of bewilderment when I reminisce on where I come from, and how far I have came.

A little boy from Gary, Indiana of Chicago. "Born with a small head and long arms" My mother would tell me. I came from being that young boy with only dream, transforming into a pop star who is some how capable of changing the someone's life with the simple gift of music.

Upon stepping out of the limo, my eyes set on my other family, my fans. Waving to their elated faces, I mouth "I love you more", while Bill desperately pushes me onward. I wished he wouldn't be so uptight sometimes. He knows how much my fans mean to me, they love me enough to not want to hurt me.

Continuing my route into the bookstore, I only pause to check if Jesse is still trailing behind me.

Surely she is, looking as gorgeous as ever. Her hair is set up in a high messy bun, giving her face an oval shape. her attire is simple; smokey grey turtle neck, midnight, high-waists jeans, and smokey grey canvas, sneakers. Even in her everyday clothing, she is still absolutely breath taking.

I mouth "I love you" to her, just before Bill turns to me, giving me further instruction.

"Alright Michael, now there is a line of fans already pre-picked for you to interact with. We've already informed them on the rules. a one minute of talk time, one autograph, and one picture" Bill tries to explain over the roaring fans.

I give him a quick nod, dodging a couple of claws.

As much as I wanted to protest the rules, because I know my fans love to hug, I figured, after one look at this crowd, that the rules were just fine.

All the while, I wave and smile to each fan as I pass, my mind travels on the subject of Jesse's feelings. She is so cooperative when it comes to my outings. I know it hurts her as much as it hurts me that we can't walk hand in hand wherever I go. She's my girlfriend behind closed doors, and it shouldn't be that way.

I've tried stressing this to Bill, but he would only roll his eyes and change the subject, or guilt trip me implying that my fans wouldn't like "sharing" me with Jesse, which makes no sense to me what so ever. My fans are compassionate people. They will understand that I can love them, while still loving Jesse a bit more. But, of course what ever Bill says, goes.

"I love you Michael!" A willowy blonde, squeals as she approaches me.

I have already been set and ready to begin the meet and greet session. I still can't believe these people are here for me. Once, a line like those was meant for five young boys from Indiana, now this line is for that one of the five boys, me.

"I love you more" I reply, reaching for her mini Thriller poster.

She cries hysterically as I carefully scribble my signature onto the poster, adding a small message before returning it to her. With clammy hands, she holds the poster to her heart and desperately tries to make out a sentence.

"M-Michael I love you... I love you more than I love myself. I-"

"Times up... Come on, move along please ma'am" Bill interrupts.

I watch as the girl cries out for me to help her as Scotty and Rafael escort her out.

"Bill, that wasn't right..." I scold.

He sighs and returns to his standing position beside me.

I really wished he wouldn't act the way he's been acting lately. Everything changed when Jesse came into my life, but things went downhill when I announced that Jesse was my girlfriend. Everyone was happy, everyone except Bill.

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