Chapter Twenty-Seven: Emotions, Affairs&Frustrations

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In the industry of fortuitous greed and manipulation, one couldn't imagine the extremes many would go through, just to climb to take a detour on the mountain of success. Instead of a harness, they cheat with gadgets and tools, whatever they can get their hands on to reach the peak. It's a sad truth, that I've experienced too much of.

Kansas City was a great state to visit. Jesse and I had fun visiting orphanages and children's hospitals. I even was able to have my chimpanzee, Bubbles to come along for the ride. He definitely enjoys traveling and sight seeing.

The concert in The Kremp Arena was amazing and electrifying. I never felt so confident as concert about my last concerts as I was about The Kremp Arena concert. Kansas City is absolutely amazing and the citizens are even better. It tore a heart string to know I had to leave to continue on my next stop.

New York. My faithful home away from home. The very place I made love to Jesse for the first time, the very place I decided to stand up as a demand for my voice to be heard. New York has definitely gained a plethora of symbolism for me. Therefore, I'm happy to be finally home for a little while at least.

"Madison Square Gardens! In all of my time in New York, I never thought much of Madison Square Gardens, but here I am gawking over the mere thought of it" Tatiana gasps as we unload the the tour bus.

I nod, giving the stadium a glance for myself.

Madison Square Gardens is the Chit'lin Circuit of North America. If you have performed here, you are officially considered a great. I don't really believe in that superstition, but I still feel honored to have the pleasure of performing in this pretty historic stadium.

Glancing over again at Tatiana, I watch her carefully. I don't know why, but I have a hitch that something isn't right. Besides the obvious block of ice set between us, there's something else I have been taking notice of, her communication with Frank.

Frank has been well known for his flirtatious, cocky approach to beautiful women of his eyes, but he's also known for being a scandalized cheater. His first wife, Patricia Aubrey. They were married for nearly seven years before he waltzed into the arms of their private gardener.

From that one instance, his wife threatened to divorce him straight away, but Frank being the persuading man he is, he somehow changed her mind. Though he apologized and rekindle his marriage, him and the private gardener still remained more than cordial. Long sorry shortened, Frank was caught once again and now has been still suffering from the rage of a wife wanting another divorce.

Seemingly, Frank has yet to learn. I keep my eye on Tatiana as Frank casually walks over to her, puffing at his death stick. It's sickening how a married man can cheat on his wife. I've listened and even seen my very own father cheating on mother.

I was devastated each time we would return from touring and was forced into lying to our mothers face about Joseph's infidelity. I'm still suffering from that scar to this very day.

"Baby are you okay?" Jesse asks, stealing my gloves hand for hers.

Inhaling deeply and turning my attention away from Frank and Tatiana, I force a smile and nod.

"Yes babygirl, I'm fine. Just want to hurry and get out of here before the fans realize the other bus was a decoy" I exhale, pecking her cold cheek tenderly.

Before landing in New York, Frank approaches me with an insane idea of surprising the fans with an "early arrival", that way when we really arrive their anticipation would be above regulatory levels. Aside from his interesting way of explaining his idea, I did agree to out the plan to use.

Just before we landed, I asked Bill to call for a replica bus, I didn't care how it was done, just as long as it was done before we landed. The plan is to have a feign bus appear at The Double Tree hotel where Jesse and I stayed during the months of writing and year of preparing for the tour. On the other hand, we have arrived at a different hotel therefore, being discreet of my current location.

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