Chapter Thirty-Three: Italy

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Dreams. Dreams are more than the immortality of your soul being brandished in marriage to your unconcious mind. Dreams are the keeper of hopes and prayers. Where you find dreams, there will lie a prayer of hope that this dreams becomes more than an tangible thought. As humans, our dreams and our minds are powerful beyond measure. Most think nothing of their wildest dreams, classifying them as a mirage of the imagination. While on the contrary, dreaming is the secret to living.

The land emerges from beneath the plane, the world below thriving in magnificence. I inhale deeply, taking in the scenery. Val Maria Roma, Italy. Such a beautiful place. Though it seemingly looks as if it's just a manifold of land and tree's from my sky view, it actually comes alive as we near the drop off. My eyes feed into imagination as they scurry along the emerging runway where in mere seconds, I will be landing.

I was more than elated that Miss Polozzi arranged for my arrival in an small eagle jet. Though bashful with her offer at first, I pondered on it and figured that I would much rather ride alone than with strangers, I've learned that I can't have willed privacy with being Michael's girlfriend. Therefore, flying solo didn't seem so terrible.

During my flight, I was waited on by a personal butler named, Gioni, he provided for me at my beck and call only smiling when I thanked him. Considering he stood for most of the flight, I would've thought he would grow tired of my questions about Italy. Instead he astounded me with wild stories of his upbringing in Sicily, Italy.

He also welcomed me as well as informed me to watch out for "street boggers". "They will smile in your face, while taking your money right for your very hands. Sneaky humans they are", He sighed when I questioned his statement. All in all, I enjoyed my flight, Gioni kept me company, which I appreciated greatly. I just wish Michael was here.

The slight jerking of the plane, sends me into alert as I reclaim reality. Glancing out my window, the runway displays itself in the busiest hour of it's evening. Many Italians of many different ages scurry to and fro, surrounding the plane as they prepare for the next.

"Miss Edmond, Welcome again to Val Maria. I enjoyed your company, it was a pleasure" Gioni smiles, assisting me as I stand to my feet.

He gently holds onto my hands as I gather my things for departure. Though his job is only to serve me and maintain a professional attitude, I feel Gioni may be more genuine than I thought. His smile never leaves his lips as he follows me down the steps of the plane. Upon the last step, he pecks my hand tenderly and proceeds to re-board the plane.

Waving good bye I turn to pick up my thing's only to be greeted by Rafael, Michael's second heftiest bodyguard. I'm not really fond of Rafael, but I prefer him over Scotty any day. Since Michael insisted that Scotty or Rafael follow me to Italy, I had no choice but choose between one. I chose Rafael, but I'm sure Michael sent his back ups as well. I guess I can appreciate the fact that he cares so much for my safety.

"Hello Miss Edmond. Are you ready to go?" Rafael asks, grabbing my suitcases while three other men in dark suits mirror him.

"Who are they?" I ask, directing my eyes towards the three, well built men in matching navy suits.

Rafael glances at them, motioning for them to approach us.

"These are your personal guards. Mister Jackson stressed that he doesn't want you alone. So Bill picked these highly trained men out. Think of it as a gift" Rafael chuckles.

I roll my eyes. I appreciate Michael's concern, I really do. But, I'm nowhere near in comparison to him. I don't have fifty-million screaming teenagers following me around across the globe. I don't attract attention, people barely have knowledge of me let alone have even taken the leiser time out to acknowledge me. I really don't need bodyguards. I'm not that important.

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