Chapter Eight: Enchantress

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When in love, sometimes you have to go all in. There is no wading of the waters, you have to step in. When you do step in, you have to blindly prepare yourself for whatever lies in the water. You have to take in every shark and every dolphin, never letting them change your heart or detour your mind from being with the one you love. You have to be willing to swim in order to prevent yourself from drowning in the process.

My water is Michael's world. In Michael's world there surrounds a an ocean. The ocean consist of sharks, fish, and crabs. Each day I have to survive one more shark and one more crab, bumping into fish along the way. But because my love for Michael runs deeper than the ocean, swimming in this ocean is well worth keeping my head above water.

After our eventful, emotional morning, Michael and I decided to sleep in a little longer. I actually have been worried about Michael's sleeping habits lately. I understood his stress during the creation of his upcoming album Bad, but now I'm really worried about his endless amounts of sleepless nights.

When I stressed this to him, he only shruged and stated that it was something that he has been dealing with for quite some time. He also stated that he has tried everythingto put a stop to this curse which has been diagnosed as insomnia, but nothing seems to work.

"My mind just keeps going and going, but my body is tired and worn out. It's always been like this, I just learned to deal with it" He explained one night, when I questioned his alertness at three o'clock in the morning.

In addition to worrying about Michael's developing insomnia, I'm also worried about the ivory specks on his forearm and lower back. I haven't brought this to his attention yet, because I am afraid that he may not want me to know. I can only hope that he trusts me enough to tell me what's going on.

Since Michael's announcement about our date for tonight, Michael has been all over the place. Arranging decorations, menus, and even his suit he wants to wear. I only sat and watched in amusement as the man walked throughout the hotel listing detailed instructions to whom ever was on the other line. That's my Michael, If he participates, hosts, or plans an event, it has to be extravegant.

"Okay...Thank you. Alright...See you then Ramon,Thank you" Michael gleams, replacing the hotel phone onto it's hook.

"So does this mean you will finally sit down and have lunch with me?" I giggle, grabbing our recently delivered brunch, courtesy of The Double Tree Hotel chef and his staff.

Michael cackles, skipping like a small child into the kitchen corner.

"Yes my dear Jesse I will brunch with you"

I grin foolishly, setting his plate infront of him.

His eyes wander from his plate of minirature english muffins and a array of vibrate organic fruits. With a raised eyebrow, he silently questions my smile.

"I'm just glad to see you elated. The past few days have been... Everywhere" I admit, popping a green grape into my mouth.

He nods in agreement.

There we sat in complete silence. A beautiful silence of a sort of resolution. Michael gleaming from ear to ear, no longer worried about Bill's opinions as of now. This may seem a bit selfish, but Michael deserves to finally make his own decisions, Bill can't always prevent thing's from ocurring. I hope he one day learns that it's okay to sit back and watch, and if something goes wrong, then it's okay to get involved.

"Have you heard from Mister Sanchez?" He asks pausing after a quick bite of his english muffin.

"No... I probably didn't make it. It's fine" I shrug, popping another grape into my mouth.

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