Chapter Fourteen: "Jesse, Meet Tatiana"

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The road of happiness is no easy feat. Elation just as love, does not come simply. Though happiness is thought to be a rather contemplation of a persons emotion rather than just an emotion, happiness will still come and go as it pleases. You just have to continue to clasp your hands around it and hope it will remain tangible in your life before something whisks it away, or maybe, someone.

Watching Michael work to the bone for his newest project is magical. I've said this before and will reiterate it again, being around Michael is magical, pure bliss.

Watching the man who was once a shy little boy, go farther beyond his wildest dreams. His hunger to gain more knowledge as he grows as a man, is astonishing.

The man never stops. It's always go, go, go. Sometimes I do have to remind him that he is a human being, being states that he has to be reminded to take a breath and just exhale.

Along the next month of our lives as an official couple, the media and journalist have been constantly ridiculing Michael and his decisions as well has stalking and hounding me with questions. Most of the time I can ignore it. I try to ignore it, but it seems more of a battle than a simple task. If it's taking a toll on me, I'm sure it's taking a toll on Michael.

"Frank! I want them to stop! Make them stop! I just wanted to try it out, now I'm trying to stop the aging process?! Why kind of crap is that!" Michael blurts into the hotel telephone.

Michael, as mentioned before has been ridiculed for yet another bizarre fabricated story. Just a week ago, Michael and Frank went out to a local museum. The reason for their outing was to find a bit of inspiration for a music video Michael recently dreamed of. During the visit Michael came across an oxygen chamber that is used to aid burn victims.

It was simply manufactured to regulate the flow of oxygen throughout the victims body. The only precaution that should be taken is a constant overseeing of the patient to ensure the patients body temperature doesn't overheat due to the ventilation.

I'm presuming Michael thought it was an interesting machine. Curiosity has definitely backfired on the cat. That cat; Michael.

He pauses in the middle of his driven pace to listen to whatever Frank retorts from the other end.

Feeling empathy for him, I slowly walk up behind him and hug his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. I can feel his tense muscles through his tee. It really hurts to see him so stressed out like this.

"Frank... I'm honestly not in the to...okay... Okay. I'm coming... Yes I am. Alright... See you soon" He sighs into the cordless phone.

When he presses end, I peck his cheek tenderly.

"I have to go to this audition for a video. You want to tag along?" He asks once I release his torso.

"Really? I can watch you watch other girls dance for you! Oh that's just wonderful!" I squeal sarcastically.

Chuckling he pinches my cheek.

"Ooh she's being feisty, I love it" He playfully growls.

I return with a playful glare in response.

"You're being an ass Michael Joseph. Now come on if we're going to watch these girls" I smirk, grabbing my hoodie from the arm of the couch.

Watching me with that foolish, school boy grin, Michael shakes his head.

"What now apple butt?"

He chuckles, grabbing his wind breaker as well.

Following him towards the door, I push for an answer.

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