Chapter Seventeen: She's Mind Body&Soul

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"How bad do you want this Mike?" He asks, glancing out into our small window.

"As bad as a meteor plummeting into earth" I sigh, shifting in the bed for a better view.

"That's pretty bad little brother, do you think we'll make it?"

"I know it Jermaine. One day we'll live in a big ole house like The Supremes or The Temptations. Can't you see it Jermaine?" I smile, closing my eyes wishfully.

"I-I think I can. I wonder if Joe does"

I shrug and turn on my back.

"I don't know Jermaine. All I know is, we're not staying in Indiana for long" I sigh, folding my arms beneath the comforter.

"You have big dreams little brother, I admire that. Keep that with you"

"I will. It's mine, no one can take it"

No one can take it...

Turning away from the trailers mirror I take in another hollow breath. I'm confused, I'm boggled. I give my all and ask for nothing in return, yet still I have enemies. Still people try to take advantage of me.

I have the greatest support I can ever ask for from the woman of my dreams, yet I'm still not fully happy. I'm safe only in her arms, but I know I can't stay there for ever. I can't hide my pain from her forever.

"You can do this Michael... You can do this" I repeat, forcing a smile.

Jesse isn't here to support me. She isn't here to kiss away my frustration. She's out trying to find herself as well. Today I am alone, it's been awhile since I've been alone and my anxiety is kicking in. I feel so lost. I can't be without her. She's my literal sanity.

A knock from the other side of my trailer door pulls me from my anxious thoughts. I turn towards the door, not even caring whose on the other side. I'm just not in the mood.

Opening the door, I turn towards my belongings and begin to pack them, not even giving my visitor attention.

"Look, I'm just not feeling well today, I'm calling it a wrap" I inform the visitor, assuming it's Joe or Bill.

It's not.

"H-Hi Michael..." He voice speaks, soft and catty.

"Oh hey Miss Thumptzen, I'm sorry but I'm not feeling to well. Joe and Frank will cover anything that needs to be done" I inform her, returning my attention onto my bag.

She remains silent, closing the trailer door behind her.

"How did you get in here anyway? Where's Bill?" I ask, hitting realization of the circumstance.

"I saw him talking to the producers, and you have been gone for awhile. I just wanted to check on you Michael" She says innocently.

There's something about the way she pronounces my name. The way the consonants roll off her tongue, like a serpent watching it's prey.

She's grown bolder with her flirtatious nature, even more careless than before. I've ignored it and remained cordial, but as much as I don't feel up to do it, it's time I lay down a few boundaries.

"Miss Thumptzen, I'm not in the mood for talking. Can you please let me finish here so I can go?" I ask, now avoiding her stare.

"I just wanted to help Michael. Please, call me Tatiana" She offers.

I turn around with another heavy sigh. I just want to return to the hotel and lay in Jesse's arms. I'm just silently praying that God will let me have that.

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