Ch#50 We are a Family

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Ch#50 We are a Family.

"I AM NOT GOING TO!!", Ellis yelled as Beth pulled onto him.

"Oh, stop being a whiny little girl! Just try it on", she chided.

We were in the shopping mall. After a heated discussion, we finally decided to move our ass today itself. I was still reluctant on this whole 'Old Alana Project'. But gave in to these idiots' requests.

"I'm not a girl! And so don't make me wear this pink t-shirt!", Ellis whined.

And this is just Ellis being Ellis. A five year old elementary girl. Beth wanted him to try on this hot pink t-shirt but he is totally against it. While their cat and dog fight continued, my eyes fell on a mannequin wearing a tuxedo. A light bulb suddenly went off in my brain.

"Guys, forget that. Do you guys have tuxedos at home?", I asked Yohan and Ellis.



"Okay, then. Let's go to that formal wear shop. We need to buy a tuxedo for Yohan", I directed them and marched towards the shop.

"But for what? Why a tuxedo now?", Yohan asked.

"I have an idea. Just buy it for now", I gushed.

"I don't have the money on me right now", he said.

"Oh, don't worry about that. We have our swipe card here", I answered him as I tagged onto Ellis.

"Hey, Al. You do remember that I lost trust from people as they tried to kiss my ass for money right?", he questioned me while I laughed at him.

"Oh, yes. I do. I do, milord. He'll pay you back later dude. He's not running away with your money. And also, we're not kissing your ass for money. Geez, I would rather lick my puke than kiss your ugly ass", I teased him.

"Hey! Don't call my ass ugly! Your face is ugly", he cried.

"Yeah, yeah", I rolled my eyes. I didn't like using Ellis' money either. But right now, it's an emergency. I know Ellis doesn't like it if we try to please him to get his money. Hence, I just outright asked him for it. I don't want him to have any misunderstandings.

After an hour or so, Yohan finally found the perfect suit for himself. He bought a navy blue suit and matched it with a silk tie of a deep red shade. He didn't let me and Beth look at him after he tried it on. He wanted to keep it as a surprise for us to see on the day he'll be wearing it. We didn't mind either. We like surprises.

After Yohan's shopping was done, we walked towards the food court to silence our growling stomach. As we sat on an empty table, I asked Beth if she had an evening gown.

"Oh, yes. I do. But what exactly is your idea?", she asked.

"I'm planning to take a family picture. With the four of us", I replied while their eyes opened wide in surprise.

"That's such a great idea! When are we going to do this?", Yohan chimed in.

"How about this weekend?", I asked.

"Okay. So that day you will prep yourself too, right?", Ellis queried. I rolled my eyes and replied reluctantly, "Yeah, okay. I can't be wearing baggy jeans and an oversized tee while you guys will be in tuxedos and a gown."

"That's like our Daddy's little Princess", Beth teased, patting my head.

As we waited for our food to be served, Ellis got a call.

"Hey", he greeted.


"It's alright, dude. How's your sister?"

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