Ch#12 Wrath of a Titan

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Ch#12 Wrath of a Titan

Ellis' POV

"Woah. I can't believe the audacity of the newbie! How dare she sit on our table even after telling her not to! But, weren't we a little cool when we stood up all together simultaneously?" Yohan grinned like an idiot from ear to ear thinking about the scene earlier.

"Yeah", I replied back, uninterested. But the girl sure does have guts. I wonder why she is here. Why would anyone enroll here even after witnessing the kind of place this so-called Academy is. She even seemed as if she was raised like a princess, pampered by her parents.

"Hey, look. Isn't she walking towards us?" I looked at where Beth pointed out. It was the newbie. She was indeed walking towards us.

"Why is she walking like the world is looking up to her?", Yohan stage whispered.

"It would be funny if she falls on-"

Beth just had to jinx it. The newbie tumbled over her own feet and fell right on her nose. To make it worse, she landed right under our feet. Poor girl. She looked embarrassed as hell but tried to ignore the snickers she received from others. She met my gaze and I shot her a smirk at her failed attempt of trying to approach us and turned my back to her. I didn't even want to look at her. Beth and Yohan did the same too. Well, you can't blame us. None of us want to befriend a spy.

"Wait, guys." She walked ahead and stood before us. What is her problem?

"What do you want?" Beth yapped at her.

"Look Beth, I was just trying to strike a conversation. You need not-

"Bethany. It's Bethany. I don't think we are close enough for you to call me Beth." Beth hates when people that she ain't close with call her as Beth. She doesn't like fake affection.

"Alright, Bethany." She stretched Beth's name as if trying to mock her. Impudent.

"You guys need not go away. Just continue whatever you were doing. I just thought we could become friends but I guess no. I mean don't you guys even get bored in here?"

Bored? Is she in her right state of mind?

"What do you people even do all day long? Just simply hang around in groups? Why don't we play something? That would make the atmosphere better. A light and fun place to live in at. How about dumb charades? Or truth or dare? Or even better, two truths and a-

"Just stop it, will you!?", I yelled at her. I couldn't take it in anymore. Can't she read the air? Does this look like the right time to play games!?

"We're living here with our lives at stake for Pete's sake! And you are speaking about playing games? Dumb charades, truth or dare? We ain't in a resort, alright. Well, you are a spy, why would you even have worries as that of ours. It must be fun for you to collect news from the Base and inform it to your owners. But for us, it is not so. We don't even know if we can get out of this hell alive. And even if we do, we have no idea if we'll be able to survive. Money must be so much more important than the lives of innocent people for trashes like you. For all we know, you might even be a prostitute of Hudson and Dave!" Before I could register all that I uttered, the newbie slapped me right across my face. I was dumbstruck. If she wasn't a girl, only if she wasn't. I would have beat the daylights out of her!

"Watch your words, Mr.Ellis Walker. Prostitute might be your puppets, not me. And what is it with all this spy! It's not even Spy Kids for God's sake! I'm already sick of it even before I get to know about the Spy agenda properly. You know what? To hell with you! I'm the stupid one for trying to take the role of The Guardians of the Galaxy. Hell, I'm not even Groot! I can leave this place anytime."

I knew it! I knew that she is a spy! Or else how can she leave this hell hole whenever she wants to. I was about to open my mouth, but she beat me to it.

"And mind you, not 'cause I'm some stupid spy that you're speaking about. You can rot in this hell hole for the rest of your lives!" She was fuming. Her anger seemed real. Is she really not a spy? She turned around and stormed out of the main room before we could utter a word.

"Ellis, I think you went a little overboard with the slut topic." I glared at Yohan. How can he side with an outsider!?

"I agree. You were a little extreme with your choice of words. However, we can't trust her yet. Just because she wept crocodile tears, doesn't explain the reasons for her presence in this Academy even after unveiling the true face of the Base." At least, I still have Beth. She was being reasonable.

"You're right, Beth", I agreed with her while Yohan sighed out aloud. He did not comply with us. Did he fall into her trap already? No. I couldn't let this happen. She cannot take away my people with her gooey words. I've learnt enough by trusting a spy once.

As I was about to knock some sense into Yohan, we saw the newbie rushing out in a hurry holding a cell phone. Well, what more evidence is required now. I knew it from the beginning that she works for Dave and Hudson. And the cell phone explains it all. She gave me a glance as she passed by us and I snorted at her. Soon as she left, everybody started whispering with each other.

"Did I just see a cell phone in her hand?"

"Don't tell me she didn't get caught yet with it!"

"Did Dave and Hudson not check her baggage?"

"Is she really a spy?"

"Quiet everyone!" Yohan banged onto the table beside him to shush the students. I was taken aback by his action.

"Stop spreading false information if you do not know the facts. Just because she has a cell phone, makes her a spy? Calm down, guys. We can just speak to her head on when she comes back. So stop gossiping." Yohan managed to silence the curious crowd of students. He met my eyes and I shook my head in disappointment. I asked him only one question.

"Is it her or us, Yohan?" All the students gasped at the tension hanging in the air. Everyone waited for his answer. And he answered with silence. I spoke no more and walked towards the cafeteria, wanting to stay alone. Little did I know, that the wrath of a Titan was on my heels.

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