Ch#13 Do not call me Elly

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Ch#13 Do not call me Elly

Bethany's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. Are these guys out of their minds!? I looked at the students staring at us with wide eyes and disappointment. All of them expect from us, and here we have these dumbshits fighting because of a girl! I couldn't let this happen. I yanked Yohan and followed behind Ellis. These morons, better fear for their life.

"Ow ow ow Beth! Slow down! You're hurting me!", Yohan pleaded. But I ignored him and tried to stop Ellis but that jackass didn't. I swear, this guy is increasing my blood pressure by every passing second. Since he didn't stop, I did the next best thing I could and yanked him by his t-shirt. He stumbled behind and met my furious gaze. I kept shooting daggers onto him and he visibly gulped fearing for his dear life. I smirked at him. He better know to not underestimate me as a cute, little girl with retainers. 'Cause, you know, I can Ninja attack his ass whenever I want to.

"Don't you think you have something to say, Mr.Ellis Walker?", I glared at him. But he only avoided my gaze. He knew better to not talk back to me at this very moment. I let loose both of them and started lecturing.

"Seriously!? Can you not read the atmosphere here? If you guys end up fighting, what would the others think? Do not forget it, guys. Every student here, every one of them, looks up to us. They keep praying day and night that we will be able to free them out from this shit hole! They trust us with their lives, you dickheads!" I looked into their eyes in search of an emotion of guilt. Before I could chide them to apologize to each other, Yohan spoke up.

"I'm sorry, Ellis. It's just that she doesn't look like a spy to me. She was being too honest. And if she was lying, she wouldn't have slapped you when you called her a prostitute."

Ellis rolled his eyes, but he apologized too. "Well, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have asked you to choose between her and us. I know, I was being an asshole, but-

"Woah woah woah! Calm down Aiden! Hakuna your tatas! Just throw one question at a time bro. I'm fine. I just had some stupid thoughts. But hey, I'm alright. Breathing in some fresh air knocked some sense into me."

All of us looked at the source of the sound. We looked through the windows of the passage to the cafeteria. It was the newbie. She actually left the base and even reached the entrance of Stoneridge and didn't even get caught?

"Now that's suspicious", Ellis voiced out my thoughts. We looked at Yohan, asking him how he would explain this situation now. Before we could receive an answer from him, we heard another voice.

"Miss Alana Anderson? Is that you?" This time it was Dave.

"So her name is Alana Anderson", we said aloud, in unison. Well, Dave did introduce her to us on her first day but I forgot her name. So did the guys.

"Oh hello, Mr.Smith. Yes, it is indeed me. Alana Anderson", she replied with awkwardness laced in her voice. We kept our mouth shut and tried to overhear their conversation.

"What are you doing here? How did you get out of the dungeon?", Dave asked her.

"Hmm, I suppose by opening up the door and walking on my feet? Haha, funny right." Like, seriously? Is that the best she could come up with!? I visibly rolled my eyes while Yohan face palmed himself.

"I knew it when I saw you the first day that it would be difficult to tame you. But do not worry, child. I have my ways to bring people in line. Now tell me how did you get out of the dungeon before I do something that you will regret." Wait. So she really isn't a spy? I looked at Ellis who shared the same confused look as me.

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