Ch#9 You and I, We're One Dumbo

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Ch#9 You and I, we're one dumbo

Finally the time has come to use my hidden cell phone. I walked towards my luggage which was strewn carelessly like the other luggages. I opened it up and searched for the book in which my phone was hidden safely. I switched it on and found a few messages from Aiden. I was about to call him and 'Boom Boom' of Seventeen started blasting off from my phone.

The least you could do was keep it in silent mode, you idiot!

I fumbled with my phone and switched off the ringer. I immediately went to the main room and climbed up the stairs, ignoring all the wide eyes I received and the snort from Ellis. As if the heavens were with me, the door to the base was left open and I rushed outside. I don't know what came into me, I just kept moving forward. I didn't care if I was caught. All I wanted at this moment with my fueling anger, was to leave this place and breath in fresh air. I came to the main entrance of Stoneridge and finally let out a breathe that I didn't even know I was holding back. I looked up at the sky with the sun blocking my view. The sky looked beautiful today. It was clear and blue with light clouds and the sun rays shining brightly. I let my head spin around everything that happened in the past few minutes.

Wait. What am I doing? I was here with a mission! I had decided to never leave a person seeking help all alone! I was determined to save these people. What's wrong with me. Just because he called me a slut, a prostitute, I lost my cool? My determination?

Yeah, right. Since when did you become a weakling of verbal abuse, Alana?

Ugh! Why am I such an emotional baboon! I suddenly remembered about my phone that had been buzzing since quite a while. I finally picked up Aiden's call and—

"God Alana! Why the hell wouldn't you pick up your call! I kept texting and calling you and it was always switched off! And now the call finally rang and I thought you were caught or something! Are you alright there, Al? Are you happy? Do you wanna stop it? Do you-

"Woah woah woah! Calm down Aiden! Hakuna your tatas! Just throw one question at a time bro. I'm fine. I just had some stupid thoughts. But hey, I'm alright. Breathing in some fresh air knocked some sense into me."

"Stupid thoughts? What thoughts? Did you do something? Were you caught?"

That's when realization hit me. I was out of the base, outside the entrance of Stoneridge. I could get caught any moment with this prohibited cell phone. Mr.Hudson or Mr.Smith would deep fry me if they'll see me out here!

"Miss Alana Anderson? Is that you?"

Speak of the devil, and here comes the devil. Why did you even jinx it, love?

My eyes widened and my heart started beating frantically. All is well, Alana. All is well. It's just a cell phone, not a murderous weapon. Keep your calm. I took a deep breath and switched off my phone and turned around, hiding the view of my phone from Mr.Smith.

"Oh hello, Mr.Smith. Yes, it is indeed me. Alana Anderson", I replied being extra giddy hoping he would just stop being curious and bombard me with unanswerable questions.

"What are you doing here? How did you get out of the dungeon?"

"Hmm, I suppose by opening up the door and walking on my feet? Haha, funny right." I gave him a fake toothy smile.

Like seriously, Al!? That's the best you could come up with?

You've never been in this situation before! So you have no idea that my brain is frozen at the moment trying to work at ultra sonic speed!

Why don't you understand that you and I, we're one?

I mentally glared at myself. If it was in my hands, I would seriously-

"I knew it when I saw you the first day that it would be difficult to tame you. But do not worry, child. I have my ways to bring people in line. Now tell me how did you get out of the dungeon before I do something that you will regret."

Mr.Smith's interruption stopped my stupid fight with myself. Yeah, I know I am crazy.

Now it's Al time. I put up the best poker face that I could muster and scoffed at him, "If you are that worried about the students getting out of the dungeon, then you should have guarded the door well." Enough with getting intimidated.

Mr.Smith walked towards me, with an evil smile on his face and probably a really bad idea in his head. I stood on my ground with confidence and didn't let him daunt me.

I kept chanting 'I have been through worse. This is just a piece of cake' as if it was Harry Potter's spell or something. He came closer and closer and suddenly grabbed my arm from behind and snatched my cell phone away and dragged me to god knows where. I struggled to free myself from his grip. But every time I wiggled my wrist, he only tightened his grip, hurting me. I tried shouting for help although I knew it was a vain effort. He then blocked my mouth to muffle my screaming. I reached my limit. I stopped fighting back and let him drag me without a word. After we reached inside Stoneridge, he loosened his grip and took out a black cloth from his pocket and tied onto my eyes. I tried to stop him, but ended up getting kneed onto my stomach.

"What a man, Mr.Smith. Kneeing a girl. I see you have great balls." I spat out the words with spite and ended up getting kicked on my shin this time.

Please, shut your sassy mouth, you idiot. I'm getting hurt too.

You and I, we're one dumbo.

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