Ch#17 Fuck off, you shit face

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Ch#17 Fuck off, you shit face

The Leaders looked at us walking towards them and seeing myself struggling from pain stopped us from coming further. Instead they approached us while Ellis was being dragged by Bethany.

See, I told ya. He doesn't like me. But I don't care. 'Cause I don't like him either. Mutual feelings.

"Hey, don't you think you need to rest? You have been walking around too much today", Bethany voiced with concern.

"I have been through worse, this is nothing", I shrugged.

"Forget that. Let me get straight to the point. Dave not only physically abuses the students but also sexually. Riley is the victim of it. That is why he keeps calling her up. She is not a spy. You need to trust her."

"Well, we did and this is what we were welcomed with", Ellis barked pointing to his neck which was now stitched and dressed.

"Didn't you ever get the thought that Dave did that-" I pointed back at his neck, "-because she stopped reporting about the Base? Dude, where do you keep your brain at? At the seashore where that lady sells sea shells?"

Yohan and Bethany burst out laughing at my come back, while Ellis glared at them and I mentally fist bumped myself. They calmed down and tried to knock some sense into Ellis.

"Ellis, you really need to stop it now. You think it would have been easy for Riley to open up about what Dave does with her? Obviously not! But she did right? And why do you think she did that?", Yohan asked him sternly.

"Maybe to fool us in trusting her?"

Like seriously!? Before I could speak, Riley beat me to it.

"You know what? Alana did a great thing by slapping you. You actually deserved it. Shit face."

This time I fist bumped with Riley.

"Please try trusting them once. They are trustworthy. Both of them aren't spies and they have proved it. What more do you need, Ellis?", Bethany tried to persuade him. But he just shook his head and left. Yohan and Bethany looked at him walking away with disappointment.

"We're sorry. We'll try to convince him, don't worry", Yohan tried to ease our mind. And there goes another effort in trying to save these peeps. Ugh! What is his problem!

"It's alright Yohan, you need not be sorry. He took time to get closer to you guys as well. Eventually, he'll know whom to trust", Riley reassured while shooting them a smile.

I don't get her! How does she do that!? She herself has her own wounds to heal and is consoling others that their wounds will heal one day!

She might have been hurting back then too when she taught you to stand on your feet, right?


"Good morning students. We have a new student. Please do introduce yourself, child." I beamed at my teacher and moved forward.

"Hello, guys. I am Alana Anderson. I look forward to a great year ahead with all of you", I smiled brightly at them being super excited on my first day in my new school, Crestview Mid. Everyone clapped for me and even shouted out "Welcome!"

"Alana, you can sit beside Riley." I nodded and searched for Riley. I found a really beautiful black haired girl with a beautiful pair of blue eyes waving at me. I walked towards her and waved back.

"I am Riley. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand forward and we exchanged a handshake.

"You're beautiful, Riley", I blurted out, being absolutely mesmerized by her beauty.

"Thank you. Well you are too", she returned back the compliment while I smiled back at her sheepishly.

The day went on smoothly until the lunch break. While I came out of the cafeteria to attend nature's call, a few guys ganged up on me and took me to the school's soccer field. There I met a few other students, this time it was girls.

"So you are the new girl who became the talk of the town, huh?", their leader I guess, spoke.

"Well, yes I am a new student here but I don't think I have become a hot issue to the extent of having the news spread throughout the town", I replied trying to lighten the atmosphere. I was scared enough already with their looks alone. All of them were glaring and shooting daggers at me. Oh dear Lord, what have I done?

"Did you just talk back to me?", she barked in anger. Uh-oh, I just zigged before I zagged. Before I could speak anything more, an egg was thrown at me. Telling that I was startled would be an understatement.

They continued to shower me with eggs and rotten milk. I begged them to stop but none of them did. I burst into tears while they enjoyed the sight. The bell soon rang, marking the end of lunch break.

"Now you better know your place. Down at the bottom. That is who you are and where you belong. Don't try to outshine us, newbie. Or should I say, rotten newbie? 'Cause you stink", their leader mocked at me and all of her minions burst out laughing. Upon the sound of the second bell, they rushed back to their classes.

I thought this was just a one day thing. But this continued for a whole week. They either called me words or played stupid pranks on me. But I never fought back. I was scared of them. But it all changed when Riley caught them doing all this to me.

"So today you dared to wear a short skirt?", the leader, whose name I came to know as Emma, grabbed my hair. Before she could pull another prank on me, I heard Riley's voice.

"What the hell is going on in here!?"

Emma let go of me immediately and I saw her flustered expression. I could see fear in everyone's eyes. She hurriedly tried to coat the situation, but Riley beat her to it.

"Do not utter a single word, Emma! I heard from the students that you and your minions are bullying Alana."

"No Riley! That's not true! We weren't bullying her. That's a strong word, girl. Let's not use that. We were just pranking her", Emma tried to justify her actions.

"Don't you dare lie to me. I saw everything. If you don't want to be complained about it, then leave."

"Riley, hear me out, okay? I did nothing wrong here! She wears revealing clothes and tries to seduce my boyfriend!", Emma exclaimed.

I cowered in fear. I could speak nothing. I couldn't voice out that 'no, I did not seduce her boyfriend. It was her boyfriend who was trying to hit on me'.

"Seduce your boyfriend? He always keeps hitting on  me and I have even seen him hitting on many other girls too. Don't you think you need to grab hold of your boy? Now leave before I really call out the teachers." Riley gave her an intimidating look. All of them left at Riley's orders. As soon as they left, she approached me and glared at me. Why do everyone glare at me when I have committed no sin?

"Like seriously, Alana!? You just let them bully you!? How could you? I thought you were a strong person! But you actually turned out to be a coward. I am disappointed in you, Alana", she shook her head in dismay.

"Then what else could I do. They were stronger and more in number. I ended up fearing them and-" Riley cut me off before I could finish speaking.

"To hell with strength and numbers! Real strength isn't in the muscles, Alana! It is in your confidence. If you stood confidently before them, then they would have never bullied you. They would have known that they are messing with the wrong person. But the moment you show that you fear them, it's like you walked right into the lion's den." She grabbed my shoulders and looked right into my eyes.

"Listen carefully Alana Anderson. If anyone treats you this way again, stay on your ground, stare right into their eyes with confidence, glare back at them and say 'fuck off, you shit face'. You get it?" I nodded my head vigorously.

She is right. Fearing is not an option before such assholes. They need to taste their own medicine. Only then, you win.

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