Ch#2 Tony Stark is my Best Friend

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Ch#2 Tony Stark is my Best Friend

"Since you already have an idea of the purpose of this meet, I am not going to beat around the bush. It's been two years since Aiden left for New York, hasn't it? Been quite a while since the four of us have lived together. So using this opportunity I thought it would be great-

"Is it New York this time Dad? You told you wouldn't beat around the bush." I said, bored with the conversation already. I knew why we were having this so called 'meeting'.

"Huh? Uh..yeah. Yes. We're moving to New York. And we'll be staying at Aiden's place. And..."

I still wasn't interested in the topic. I just kept waiting for the highlight.

"And you will be enrolled in The Stoneridge Academy. It's a boarding school."

And there you go. That's what I've been waiting for. Boarding school and shit. I just rolled my eyes at the mention of boarding school.

"Finally we get to stay together, child. It seems like it has been forever since the four of us lived together like one big happy family."

"No, Mum. It's been forever since the three of you lived together. You, Dad and Aiden. I've always been put into stupid boarding schools since five years."

This is it. This is my chance to let Dad know. I'm sick of boardings already! And I want him to know that.

"Dad, I don't want to go to a boarding school this time. It's my senior year and I want to go to a normal school as a normal student."

"And let the past repeat? What do you want? To have us see our daughter dead?"

"Dad, it's been five years already! I have grown up. The world has grown up. I can stand on my own feet and protect myself Dad!"

"What about your nightmares then? You do know that if you keep getting them on a daily basis, it's going to lead you to panic attacks right? You even got a nightmare right before coming here, didn't you?"

I didn't want to answer him. Neither did I want to ask him how he knew about it. He would obviously answer that he's my father, and he knows me the best. Just where did I lead this conversation to! How am I ever going to convince Dad. I guess I need to be patient for now and wait till we give a visit to The Stoneridge Academy. I can just make up excuses, solid ones and try to convince him once again.

"Now, we're clear. Aren't we?"

"Yes, Dad", I replied to him gloomily.

"Besides, the world never grows up, child. It only gets filled with more and more ruthless, merciless and greedy human beings."

I continued to have my pizza without another word and let Dad's words sink in.

*1 week later*

I never realized how the time flew by so fast. The past one week was a blur. We were busy packing and moving from LA to NY. We've been moving from one place to the other since the past 6 years due to Dad's business and his adamant request on staying together with family. Whenever the time comes for us to move, Dad usually holds these so called 'family meetings' to break us the news. At first, we never understood the purpose behind the meetings. He could just tell us simply at home. But no, he needs to hold these meetings at some fancy restaurants, order light food, and then tell us the news. Later on, we just learnt to get used to it as Dad would never change.

"Hey, you like the place?" When did Aiden come into my room?

Probably when you were lost in your Caratland.

Didn't ask for your opinion.

"Well, it's live-able. As long as Hulk wont smash this place and Spiderman shoots his web."

"Oh don't worry about them. I've asked Iron Man to not let them even wander around this place. You see, Tony Stark is my best friend."

" your planet of the apes."

He shrugged off my comeback and gave me a depressed look. Why does he look sad?

'Cause he probably broke up with his girlfriend?

One day, I'm surely gonna shut you up!

"Hey, what's wrong? Broke up with your girlfriend or something?"

Shut me up? Yeah, right. You just voiced my words.

You do know that you and I, we're one right?

He laughed off my comment about his girlfriend, because both of us know that he doesn't have any girl.

"I heard that you didn't want to go to boardings anymore."

"So that's what it was, huh? Mum sent you? To change my mind about this?"

"No, Al. I just want to know your reason. If quite reasonable, I could help you out, you know."

I knew he too has the same thoughts as that of Dad. So I couldn't convince him right now. I'm just going to wait until we visit the Academy and change their mind to not get me enrolled in boardings anymore.

"When are we visiting Stoneridge?"

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