Ch#41 I Love You, Idiots

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Ch#41 I Love You, Idiots

"Save me, idiots", I uttered as black dots danced before my eyes. Dave was almost about to stab me, but a frying pan came flying to meet his face.

"Don't you dare try to kill our Daddy's little Princess!", Ellis seethed. I managed to bring a smile on my face amidst all the pain and black dots. Yohan grabbed Dave by his collar and dragged him down the stairs while Ellis followed behind with the frying pan. Beth walked up to me and gently made me sit up.

"Hey, you okay? I mean, obviously you're not okay. Why am I even asking? I'm such-"

"Hey, stop ranting. Yeah, I'm not okay. But I'm alive. Help her out", I pointed at Ashley to which Beth nodded. She walked up to her and loosened the rope that was tied around her. She got rid of the cloth as well which kept her mouth shut.

"Thank you", she breathed out.

Beth shook her head and smiled at her. "Thank you, for saving our friend years back", she replied while Ashley looked confused. I slowly got up with the support of the wall and looked below at the fight. Ellis and Yohan had the upper hand. Dave was smeared with blood and lying cold on the floor while Ellis and Yohan were catching their breath. I walked down the stairs with the support of the railing while Beth helped Ashley.

"Guys, that's enough. Let's go. We don't want him dead", I instructed. They nodded and let go of their weapons.

"Can I kick him once?", Ashley blurted while we laughed and permitted her.

"Go ahead. To your heart's content", Yohan replied. She walked up to Dave with Beth's help and kicked his groin.

"How does it feel like to say goodbye to your juniors, you shit face?", she spat while he groaned in pain. We then walked out of the room, towards the entrance of the building. Suddenly, a thought popped my head.

"Wait a minute, guys. When we got out of the Base, we saw guards at every door. Is it possible that there are more people like us trapped in here?", I slowly voiced out. Their faces flashed in realization. We rushed to the closest room and searched for a secret door.

"Guys, here it is", Beth called out. It was exactly like the previous door of the Base. She pushed in the button and the door opened. There were stairs leading down. We gulped and climbed down the stairs. We hoped our thoughts were wrong. We wished there weren't others too who were tortured like us. But unfortunately, we were right. We weren't the only ones who had to go through Dave's abuse.

As we reached the bottom, we found a room similar to the Base and several students. Everyone had some sort of wounds and scars on their skin. Their faces held despair. They were filled with fear. As I walked closer to the student body who gathered around, they stepped back together.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You need not be scared of us. We're here to save you, to get you all out", I assured them.

"Who are you?", someone asked. I looked at them in pain and smiled.

"Fellow students like you who were locked up by Dave and tortured to death", I replied.

"Let's go, everyone. We don't have much time to waste. We need to get the others as well", Ellis reminded. We walked up the stairs and guided the students to get out of the building.

"Walk out the entrance. You'll find a bus waiting. Let them know you guys were also trapped in like them in a different room." They nodded and followed the orders. Beth sent Ashley with them and followed us to rescue the other students from different rooms. The times Dave was silent, the times he left us to heal, he had been torturing the others. How come he was never caught with all of his deeds?

Few rooms were like the Base, spacious and dirty. While few others were like the Attic, cramped and dirty. Either way, they were tortured and abused just like how we were. After rescuing the students from every room, we walked out of the building, walking hand in hand. We were happy. We were proud. Finally, we are out. And we even saved all the students from this hell.

"Louis was right. He said you will definitely be able to save everyone", Yohan uttered.

"And you did, Alana", Beth agreed with him.

"But not without my idiots' help", I winked at them.

As we reached the main entrance of Stoneridge, the crowd of students surrounded around a bus came into view. Yohan and Beth rushed towards them to handle the crowd. While Ellis and I gazed up at the beautiful sky and took a deep breath in.

"The sky is wide", I commented.

"It is", he replied. I turned towards him and held his hand.

"We have finally made it, Ellis. We're alive."

He smiled and replied. "Yes, we are."

Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock. He hugged me and turned me around. As I turned, I saw Dave smirking at me. He started to laugh hysterically while I only stared at him in confusion with furrowed brows. I then heard the sirens blaring.

"Put down your weapon", a man spoke through the speaker. That's when I noticed the blunt knife on Dave's hand. My eyebrows rose in shock. I held Ellis and found my hand touching a slimy liquid oozing from the side of his abdomen. The police rushed towards Dave to prevent him from escaping. They got his hands cuffed and took him away. Ellis lost his balance and lied down with my help.

"You dumbhead, you took a stab for me", I muttered as tears rolled my cheeks.

"Happy realization", he teased while I only let the tears flow down uncontrollably.

"Hey, you know that I never trusted anyone as much as I trusted you, right?", he breathed out.

"Stop speaking, Ellis. I know you trust me", I cried out.

"So promise me that you'll keep Yohan and Beth happy", he requested.

"Shut up. I can't keep them happy by myself. I need your help", I replied to him through my tears.

"Someone call the ambulance!", I screamed as he began coughing out blood. Yohan and Beth rushed towards us.

"Ellis, keep your eyes open. Ellis, please", Yohan pleaded.

"You can't leave us stranded", Beth mumbled.

"Guys, you were more than friends to me. You became my family when my own blood abandoned me. I love you, idiots", he uttered.

"Shut up, you dumbhead. Your dad didn't abandon you, okay? I'll prove it to you. So don't leave us."

He smiled and closed his eyes.

"No! Ellis! Open your eyes!", we yelled through our tears. The ambulance reached soon enough and took him to the hospital. We pulled onto a taxi and rushed to the hospital.

I can't lose that idiot. I have to show him that the world might be selfish, but there are good enough people living in it. I have to make him realize that trusting people is not that difficult. I have to prove it to him that his dad did not abandon him. And most of all, I must tell him that he became my very first friend in the past five years. I must tell him that he has become a family to me as well.

I need my friend. I can't lose him too.

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