Ch#46 Elementary Kids

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Ch#46 Elementary Kids

The doctor rushed in soon enough. We gathered around, worriedly. Mr.Edgar was pacing back and forth the hallway while Dad tried to calm him down. I sat in a corner, far away from all the commotion with Beth and Yohan beside me. I sobbed continuously like a child.

"What if something happens to him? What if he doesn't wake up? What if I lose him too?", I cried blabbering all the what ifs that were running in my head.

"Calm down, Alana. Nothing's gonna happen to him. We're not losing anyone!", Yohan chided.

"Everything's my fault. I should have been the one lying inside on that bed. I should have been stabbed. He didn't deserve all this. I'm such a stupid. I let him take a stab for me. If only I noticed Dave earlier. If only-"

I couldn't finish my sentence as Beth slapped across my face. She held me by my shoulders and glared right into my eyes.

"Shut up! Stop blaming yourself! Are you a kid, Alana? Just how many times do we need to tell you to stop taking all the blame! Are you the one who stabbed him!? Are you the one who put him on that bed!? No, Alana! Get your senses straight!", she yelled.

"Beth's right, Alana. If you blame yourself, then what is Dave supposed to do? He's the real culprit. Do not forget that", Yohan agreed with her. They were right. All their words were true. But I am stupid. I just couldn't get rid of the blame that I put on myself.

"Now stop uttering nonsense and wipe off your tears, Alana. You really look ugly when you cry. I feel embarrassed to call you my friend when everyone's staring at you crying", he ridiculed me while I frowned.

"Shut up, asshole", I hissed at him and wiped off my tears.

"He will wake up. He has to", I mumbled.

"Ellis? That idiot won't dare leave us and die alone. He just can't, okay. If he will, we'll haunt his soul forever", Beth tried to comfort me while I laughed at her.

"Geez, Beth. What are you? An elementary kid?", I made fun of her. Before she could speak anything, the doctor came out of Ellis' room. We stood up and walked towards him.

"Doctor, how is my son? What happened to him? Is he alright?", Mr.Edgar threw his questions in concern while the doctor smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Sir. Your son has regained consciousness. He is out of critical condition and his vitals are also stable. Just let him rest for a while and you can meet him an hour later."

"Thank you", Mr.Edgar breathed out. I hugged Beth and Yohan out of happiness and let my tears roll down.

"That idiot woke up. He woke up, guys", I cried out.

"It seems like he finally got the kiss from his princess", Yohan teased.

"Save those for later, Yohan. We need to use them before him", Beth answered. I let go of them and hugged my parents.

"I told you he will wake up."

"Yes, Dad. And you were right."

I was happy. Extremely happy. I don't know how to put this in words. I just want to meet that idiot soon and give him a good punch. How dare he sleep for so long and make us live in misery.

Stupid dumbhead.

Hey! Don't call him dumbhead! Only I can!

You and I, we are one, my dearest dumbo! Just how many times do I need to remind you.

Shut up, bitch.

Did I really crash my head onto something when I was little? Or is this the consequence of falling into a coma five years back? Why do I keep arguing with myself?

Ugh! I'm such a stupid.

Happy realization, love.

This time, I chose to ignore myself. Yeah, I did.

After waiting restlessly for an hour or so, the doctor finally let us meet Ellis. Mr.Edgar didn't want to meet his son right away because he knew that he is the last person that Ellis would want to see. Hence, he let us in.

As we walked in, Yohan reminded me to not cry. "Don't give him a chance to call you ugly, okay", he whispered.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. Welcome to the land of living", Beth greeted him.

"I'm fine, thank you, Bethany Hammington", he laughed in a tiny voice. We walked closer to him.

"What took your princess so long to kiss you dude?", Yohan teased.

"Oh, I had a break up with my princess. Had to find someone else for the kiss and that took time", he shrugged.

"Been asleep for two weeks and yet there's no decrease in your comebacks", I sighed.

"Don't worry about that, beautiful. There's no end to my comebacks just like how there's no end to your ugliness", he chuckled while I stuck out my tongue at him.

"How have you been, guys?"

Finally a normal conversation.

"Besides crying and worrying over you being unconscious for too long, we were fine."

"Atta my girl. I've trained you well, Beth."

I guess this is normal for these idiots.

"Let's go, guys. The doc told us we can't tire him much. We just wanted to show you our face. Rest well, dude. We'll be back later", Yohan reminded. We agreed with him and bid our goodbyes. As we were about to leave, he called me out.


I turned around and looked at him with raised brows.

"Yes? That's me."

"I want you to know that it wasn't your fault. So stop crying too much and stop blaming yourself for too long", he smiled. I remember those words. Louis had said them. He too wanted the same from me back then.

"Alright, dumbhead", I smiled back at him.

"On a serious note, Al," he started speaking sincerely and so I heard him keenly.

"What is it?"

"You seriously need to stop crying. Your face looks like an inflated balloon. You know what, I have a good idea. The next time you cry, look at yourself in a mirror", he said brightly.

"Bloody asshole", I stormed towards him but Yohan and Beth held me back from causing serious damage to that dumbhead's body.

"Alana, he just woke up. Don't make him go on a hibernation again." They dragged me out of his room but not before I heard him yell, "Oh, don't look at the mirror, Al. You might get nightmares of yourself."

"You wait. Just wait until you get out of that bed, you watermelon seed eating Siberian husky!" I yelled back while Yohan and Beth sighed trying to stop us from fighting. They looked at each other and shook their heads before muttering in unison, "Elementary kids."

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