Ch#14 Our Families Abandoned Us

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Ch#14 Our Families Abandoned Us

Bethany's POV

We followed Yohan soon enough. As we got closer to Louis and Alana, she looked at us while we avoided her gaze. I wonder if we could have helped her out if we did not have that argument earlier. The door was locked, it would have been futile. But we could have tried at the very least.

"Do you know how to stitch as well?", Alana asked Louis while I was pondering over whether or not we could have saved her.

"I didn't. I had to learn when they got the deep cut. It took me a while, but I got the hang of it. That is why, these guys had to wait for a while. But don't worry, I didn't let them get infected", he replied with a bright smile which she returned as well. Wow, she has a beautiful smile.

"Now could you lift your t-shirt, if you don't mind. I need to take a look at those rainbows." Alana lifted up her t-shirt and he examined her bruises. "Okayy. That looks really bad. Do you think any of the ribs are broken?"

"I don't think so", she replied after contemplating a little.

"Be careful, Alana. You'll be hurting 24/7. You walk, you stand, you sit, you'll feel a jolt of electricity at this scale."

Ouch. That must really hurt. Louis then gave her an ointment and a painkiller and she left after struggling to get up from the chair. Just as she was about to leave, Yohan called her out. "Alana, we want to speak to you." I could feel Ellis' disagreement, but I couldn't care less. We were wrong and we need to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry, but can we do it later?", she replied in agony. We immediately replied back by nodding our head vigorously, feeling bad for hurting her again by making her turn around. She then left without another word. Seeing her walk in pain was miserable for us. How is she even holding in the pain without letting a drop of tear! Even Yohan and Ellis almost cried when Dave scratched them with a knife! They even screamed out loud. I mean, who wouldn't when they are being tortured with a blunt knife, right? I'm glad they are still alive. My poor little boys.

"So, uhm, I heard that, Ellis, you called Alana a prostitute?", Louis asked. Well, nothing remains as a secret at the Base. I looked at Ellis who looked pissed off enough already with having to get the stitches without anesthetics.

"Louis, please do finish your job asap, will you?" He ignored his question. Typical Ellis. He never admits his mistakes. Unless I make him do it. Louis just shook his head and started stitching him up while Ellis started whining, "Be gentle, Louis! Be gentle!" Like, seriously? Alana didn't even groan while getting the splinters taken out while this idiot here is screaming blue murder. Oh Lord, why do I have a coward dumb head for a friend?

Yohan laughed looking at a whining Ellis. "Man. If only I had my cell phone to record this! Keep your whining low, Elly. You wouldn't want the students at the Base to think that the person they look up to is actually a cry baby", he teased while Ellis glared at him.

Louis cleared his voice, reminding us of his presence. "Now back to the topic. No offense, but weren't you guys a little harsh with Alana? The world is harsh enough on us already. Let's not be this way with one of our kind. We were all abandoned here by our family, weren't we? Hence, due to that reason, we have nobody who would take us back home. We have to stand for ourselves. But that won't be possible if we keep being suspicious about each other. We need to trust each other and walk together, hand in hand", he voiced out his thoughts without looking away from Ellis' wound while stitching him up.

He was right. Everything he spoke was true. We had nobody else except us. We are screwed up here since the past three months and few even since the past six months. And yet, nobody has ever come looking for us, wanting to meet us. Our families abandoned us here.

Louis then continued, "According to my analysis, Alana is definitely not a spy. Why would Dave beat the hell out of his spy just because she carried a cell phone?" He glanced at Yohan, at me and then at Ellis.

"I hope you will clear your misunderstandings with Alana as soon as you can. 'Cause, you know, we still do look up to you for help." We didn't utter a single word. We couldn't. We were ashamed of ourselves. We have been stuck up here for the past three months and yet we couldn't save any of the students from the Base nor could we protect them from Dave's abuse. The only thing we have ever done for the students here is give hope. Besides that, we have done absolutely nothing. I scorned at myself. Why do the students even look up to us? We don't deserve this respect. We have never been able to keep them out of danger.

Louis then looked at me and resumed. "Also, Bethany. It would be nice of you if you would follow Alana. She won't be able to apply the ointment by herself. Poor girl, she's hurting like hell, even so she's keeping it inside herself. Just how much she must have been hurt from us that she didn't even ask for anybody's help", he sighed. I nodded and examined the main room of the Base searching for Alana. But she wasn't here. I then went to the washroom and neither could I find her there. She might have gone to the cafeteria then, which is empty at this hour. I marched towards the cafeteria and found Alana. She was sitting on a table trying to apply the ointment. I mentally face palmed myself looking at her efforts of treating her bruises with her t-shirt on. It would be easier if she removed it. She then looked around and then took off her tee.

Woah. I was kinda taken aback by her body. She had a beautiful hourglass figure. I never expected for such an attractive physique to be hidden under those oversized t-shirt and baggy jeans. I snapped out of my trance and walked towards her.

"Hey, need some help?"

"Oh my gosh!!" She almost fell from the table while my eyes widened in fear. Shit. She must have been startled by me and hurt super bad. Louis did tell that her ribs would hurt her 24/7. She then suddenly started cussing.

"F*ck! This hurts like bitch! Ugh! You motherf*cker Dave! You watermelon seed eating Siberian husky! F*ck you!" I burst out laughing, listening to her choice of words. Siberian husky, like seriously? Her gaze then finally fell upon me while I was trying to hold in my laughter.


"Yes, it is indeed me. Bethany Hammington", I replied by teasing of her reply to Dave. I wanted to be friendly towards her, I wanted to trust her.

And for that, I must gain her trust first.

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