💙Meeting the L/N's💙

865 19 11

*warning* this is very messy.

Jack L/N
21 years old

Talia L/N
19 years old

16 years old

Hannah L/N
6 years old


"WHO THE FUCK IS KNOCKING ON THE GOD DAMMED DOOR A 6 IN THE MORNING!" Your older brother, stomped down the stairs angrily.

Almost ripping the door off the hinges, Jack throws the door open. He locks eyes with the pretty pink haired woman, who was standing with her husband and her teenage son.

"Were here to pick up Y/N for the beach trip!" She said smiling.

Jacks mouth drops. While your little sister, Hannah, who was running down the stairs at full throttle launches herself at shindo.

"SHINDO!" She smiled happily.

All the commotion downstairs had woke you up and you decided to go check. You stood at the top of the stairs in only Shindo's oversized hoodie.

"What's going on?" You said as you slowly walked down the stairs, only to meet Shindo's gaze. "Yo? Why are you her- OH THE TRIP!" You seemed to have forgotten that he was taking you to the beach with his family. "Please come in, my parents want to meet you guys anyway."

Shindo gladly walks in, immediately picking you up and swinging you around in a big hug. "Y/N! I missed you."

"Here I'll go get my parents-"

Suddenly glass shattered upstairs and down came a guy who was currently putting on his shirt. He looked at all of the people in the living room, then took off towards the door again. Your older sister, was running down the stairs in her bra and a pair of jeans. She used her quirk to trap him in a bubble.

"ASSHOLE! -WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE!" She took her attention to the man who was struggling because your sisters quirk was stopping him from leaving, to Jack, Hannah, you, and Shindo's family. "Well why are they here? If they are here for Mom and Dad they already left. Dad left for work and mom just went to the store."

You made an 'O' shape with your mouth, before turning to your boyfriends 'semi' horrified family.

"I apologize for my siblings, we were raised kinda weird, if you don't mind waiting for my mother to get her, I can make you some tea?" You looked at the Shindo family apologetically.

"Of course dear, take your time." Shindo's mother says.


Well this is awkward, your older siblings and you were sitting on one couch while Yo and His family were sitting on the other. Yo was bouncing Hannah on his knee.

"So, can you introduce us to your family Y/N?" Mr. Shindo asked.

"This is my older brother Jack, He's in the military. This is Talia, she is a sidekick at Best Jeanist agency." You pointed to Hannah, who currently stole your boyfriend. "That's Hannah...she's 6."

"She's very sweet~" Mrs. Shindo pokes her cheek. "What's her quirk?"

"Well, why doesn't she show you." Talia smiled.

Hannah jumped off Yo's lap and made a small bubble around her. It dispersed and she jumped back into Yo's lap before you could even get close to him.

"I'm gonna go make a phone call, I'll be right back."

You ran all the way up to your room, dialed the number and waited for the rings.

???: Hello?

You: You have to hurry up, The Shindo's are here and I think we're making them very uncomfortable.

Someone's hands slide around your waist causing you to gasp and turn around.

You: Yo, Stop it. I'm on the phone.

???: Y/N I'm so sorry, I forgot about them coming today. Give me 5 minutes and I'll be home okay?

You: thank you Mom.

Yo's lips press against your ear and whispers. "Make it Ten."

Mom: your welcome, I love you!

You: okay I love you too mom, bye.

Mom: Bye.

You heard the end button be pressed and looked up at shindo.

"You did not leave my siblings alone with your parents." You said trying to escape his grasp.

"Awe~ How bad can it be." He dipped you down for a sweet kiss.

Your little sister slams open the door before screaming and crying.

"Y/N STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!" She screamed and cried.

"YOUR BOYFRIEND!" You broke away from Yo, yelling at your sister.

"NANI" he says at the same time as you.

"IM HOME- Why is Hannah crying this time." Your mother voice rang out.

You dash downstairs and pull her into the living room. "MOM THIS IS THE SHINDO'S, WERE LEAVING. NOW, BYEEEEEEEEEEEE"

You grabbed your bags and made a dash for the car.

How were you gonna explain your family to Shindo's.

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