"F#@k You" Yo Shindo x Reader (part 5)

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Hello my lovely's, I hope you slept well, drink water and eat something.

Here's part 5 of Enemies to lovers

Warning: arguing, panic attacks, strong language.



"[First name]...I-I....I am so sorry." He said as he leaned in with his hand.

You slapped his hand away, your eyes glaring at him. "I fell for your pathetic apology once. I won't fall for it again."

With that you just turned around and walked out of the classroom.


The wind blew your hair into your face as you stood up on the roof again. Your eyes were dull as you dissociated staring out at the horizon. Your eyes occasionally flipped over to cars as they passed by the entrance of your school. You looked up to the dark sky, it was going to rain. Funny how the sky was going to match your mood.

You thought about how you left the classroom and cringed, it was embarrassing how you left and how you just yelled. You stepped away from the ledge and turned towards the door. You slid down the wall and sighed, bringing your knees up to your chest and settled your head onto your knees. You had ran out of the classroom even though you still had an hour of school left. You growled and cried into your knees out of frustration and embarrassment. Slowly raindrops fell, one landed on your knees and you shivered.

'How could he say stuff like that? Why did he hate you so much?'

The more you thought about it the more you realized it's always been like this and what's worse was you had feelings for him. It was a love hate relationship. Why couldn't you just fall in love with a green flag? Instead you ended up with a large red flag.

You sighed as you stared up at the sky once again, a rain droplet hit your cheek. Suddenly the door burst open and Shindo quickly glanced around. Once his dark brown eyes made contact with yours, he immediately ran over. Sliding on his knees, he takes you into his arms.

"What the he- get off me!" You screamed as you were about to push him off, but You froze when you saw his shoulders shake.

Shindo quietly sobbed into your shoulder and he held you tighter. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I suck so bad at this. I thought it i pretended to hate you that all these meddlesome feelings would subside, but for some reason you keep making it harder for me." He sobbed.

You sat there and stared at him. Your face blank as you watched him cry into your shoulder, his black hairs tickling your face. He gently pulled away and kept his hands on your shoulders. The rain pounded against the both of you.

"I thought if I failed at making you like me, I'll make you hate me that way you'd still pay attention to me. But I just can't anymore." He started hyperventilating, his breaths sharp as he looks at your legs. "I-I hur-hurt y-you and I c-can never for-forgive myself."

Your eyes widened, you've really never seen this Side of him. He started to panic, his face paled and he shook. He couldn't catch his breath at all, he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Shindo?" You said quietly, grasping his forearms that we're still gripping your shoulders. When he didn't answer, you shook him a tad bit and spoke louder. "Shindo, hey you need to take a breath." You realized he wasn't going to calm down and he was about to have a panic attack. You didn't know what to do so you just pulled him into a hug. He started to calm down as he wrapped his marks around you. His breathing still shaky.

"I still don't forgive you Yo Shindo, But I will give you one last chance. Don't mess it up." You whispered.
After you comforted Shindo on the roof of the school after your argument, In the rain. He started to avoid you.

You stepped into your classroom, yawning. Tatami walked over to you with a grin on her face. You glared suspiciously at her. "What?"

Tatami smirked and pointed over at your desk. A white bag sat onto of it. You quickly glanced at tatami before stalking over and grabbing it. "It doesn't say who it's from." You peered down inside it and saw a UA school festival ticket. You gasped and looked over at tatami. "Did you get me this?"

She shook her head then pointed over at Shindo who was talking to his other two friends. You smiled softly, he really was trying to be nicer. "He got us all one to go." Tatami smirked as she looked at your blushing face.

You looked at her before looking back at Shindo who was now smiling. Your heart skipped a beat. No. He was just an asshole to you...but he was trying to make up for it.


To be continued

Sorry I disappeared for a while😭 I may have completely forgotten all about this fanfic. I can't guarantee I'll be back just yet buttttt I will try and finish this series. The next episode with be the last UNLESS y'all convince me to do a NSFW. (It's not hard lmao.)

Anyways til next time my lovelies.


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