"F#@k You" Yo Shindo x Reader (Part 2)

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Hello my lovely's, I hope you're having a good day! Make sure to eat something and drink some water! Here's part 2 of Enemies to lovers

Warning: Strong Language, Anxiety, mentions of death, injuries, mentions of blood, and violence



"Drop the act." He scowled.

Your class was taken aback by how the boy acted.

"Isn't that Katsuki Bakugo, the one who won first place at the sports festival?" Tatami whispered into your ear.

"I think so."


Shindo's facade falls a bit as he looks at Bakugo, he smirks. His twisted two faced smirk that shook you to your core sometimes. Class 1A was about as surprised as our class was.

"Haha, How'd you figure me out so fast Bakugo-kun."

"That shit-eating grin ain't fooling no one." Bakugo glared, finally seeing that his intuition was correct about Shindo. "What are you, some kind of narcissist?"

"No, I just a desire to win." He chuckled, unsettling the group of first years.

Shindo stared at the group before switching back to his 'Good boy' persona. He gives them a closed eye smile, one that only an Angel could give. "Well I wish you the best of luck UA! Haha!" Before walking away like nothing had happened.

Mrs. Joke shook her head and made her own exit, everyone started walking with them as the class looked at us horrified. You stared at the group of students , stopping in your tracks to look at them. You gently smiled and bowed to them .

"You guys really are amazing."

Yo Shindo turned around and saw you bowing respectfully at the students you were going to help ambush later. Shindo stomped over to you and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you away. Your eyes widened as you gasped, your eyes moved to Shindo. He leaned down and whispered into your ear.

"What the fuck are you doing [First Name]?"

The hair on the back of your neck stood as his deep voice whispered. Hot breathe hitting your ear and neck from his heavy whisper. Your cheeks began to stain as you looked back at the boy.


"1Nevermind, let's go [First Name]."

Shindo had pulled you away from UA, Tatami Scolded you as well. You can see why they would be mad, they needed you for this ambush on UA. Your quirk was perfect for it, you had a teleportation quirk and a crazy high IQ. They didn't need to know what the test was, they just needed to trust you would help them do it.
...well, if you would help them. You had a guilty conscious about it. Sure if your class took out everyone in UA you would get your moment to shine as a school and a class but... you think they don't deserve to be thrown into wolves like that, especially after what they have all been through.

 Yo Shindo boyfriend scenarios! one shots! Lemons!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat