💙Life in the Shindo Family💙

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After a couple of years of being married you and Shindo had 1 son and 3 loving daughters.
Christopher (7 years old) Merci (6 years old), AnnaBeth (2 years old), and Analiese (2 months old)

"Are we there yet!" You 6 year old complained.

"Merci, please honey." You said rubbing your temples.

Yo's hand laid comfortably on your thigh, you two were getting the whole weekend to yourself while his parents watch the kids. You knew what you were doing, sleeping.
Well Yo, he has other plans~

"AnnaBeth you're quiet, what're you doing?" Yo asks looking in the rear view mirror, only to see his babygirl with marker, all over her face and clothes.

"Oh my god- Y/N, take a look at your daughter."

You look back at your h/c 2 year old and facepalm. No one told you raising a kids was this hard. You guys pulled off at a rest stop. Christopher and Merci immediately hop out, running around, stretching their legs. Once I unclip AnnaBeth, She immediately asks questions.

"Mommy! Do you like my makeup!" She asks in such an innocent voice.

As a parent I can't laugh at my kid, especially my innocent little princess. I also can't lie to her.

"Baby, I'll get you some real makeup, let's not use Markers." You said walking her to the bathroom to wash her face off.

"Thank god I bought you washable markers." I said as I scrubbed the last bit of marker off and changed her clothes.

I picked her up and started walking back to the entrance when the ground started shaking. OH GOD, please don't be my group. I ran out the door only to see that my son of course has fucking completely destroyed the front lawn. Merci has Analiese using her quirk, Yo was trying his hardest to get the three to stop. Once I walked out, I watched as the scene unfolded and turned around slowly.

"Daddy!" AnnaBeth ran straight for Yo, making our presence known.

"Kids! Car now!"you said walking over to the yard using your quirk earth to fix it back to normal.

"Yo any way your parents wanna watch them for more then the weekend?" You said jokingly.

"I don't know." He sighed and walked to the car opening the door for me.

"Let's drop the demons off then we can go home~" he said smirking.

"I hope whatever your thinking is sleeping because I'm definitely not carrying and pushing another one out." You said closing the car door.

The end

 Yo Shindo boyfriend scenarios! one shots! Lemons!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora