22-The Living Volume of the Dead

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They stepped out of the portal to the familiar sight of The Blackfairer's Bridge, They were right, there standing on the bridge was Tessa, Magnus and Ragnor were with her too. Mina and Wei Lian went to her "Mom" Mina said softly. All the three of them turned at once and Tessa hugged both her children, she kissed them on their foreheads and said, "I was so worried about you" Magnus and Ragnor hugged them too, "Promise me you will never leave me again like that cupcake" Magnus said to Mina, "I promise" she said. 

"Jem, Will" Tessa said, a smile broke out on her face as she hugged them both, "Oh good lord. Alexander, Rafe, Avia-My princess" Magnus said. They hugged each other too. "Mom, it is important, we have to talk" Wei Lian said and they opened a portal back to Cirenworth. 

*time skip*

"By the angel, that's bad" Ragnor said. "That was what happened with us ,what about you all?" Mina asked. Tessa sighed, "I roamed in shadows for angel knows how long and then at once i was back here, but the world looked a bit hollow, as if something was sucked out of it. I investigated, All the ghosts in the world have disappeared including Will, James and Lucie. A tear slipped from her eye and she wiped it. 

"Now that's serious" Wei Lian muttered 

*time skip*

"So you basically want to find this 'Living Volume of dead' right? Max asked for the umpteenth time. Mina nodded for the umpteenth time. They were all sitting in Catarina's apartment where they were discussing what to do next. "Alright, so it is in spiral Labrynth , so what are we waiting for?" Magnus said. "It is a powerful book Magnus, u just can't barge into the Labrynth's library and take it to read," Tessa said, "Oh come on, I can charm them in a snap Tessa" Magnus said snapping his fingers, just as he snapped there was a mountain of glitter on Tessa's head. "Magnus" she screamed. "Sorry sorry" Magnus said and snapped his fingers again, just to strangle Tessa in another heap of glitter. "Magnus stop" Mina ordered and she snapped her fingers, that removed all the glitter. Tessa glared at Magnus, and he grinned sheepishly at her.

"alright so me, Mina and Magnus will go and see if we can bring the book." The others nodded.

*time skip*

Rafe, Avia, Max, Wei Lian, Luca, Matthew, James and Lucie were playing truth or dare, while Jem, Will, catarina, Ragnor, , and alec were talking when the door bell caught their attention. Wei Lian opened the door and gave a shout of surprise, and allowed whoever it was on the other side in. The person stepped in and it was none other than...

Should i leave you all hanging?

I don't wanna die

so here is the continuation:

It was none other than Cashmia. Her face beamed with happiness as she screamed, "BY THE ANGEL IT IS LUCA, AVIA AND RAFEEE". They laughed and hugged each other and quickly filled Cashmia with all the details. After sometime there was another knock o the door and this time it was Mina and Tessa, they stepped in and there in Mina's hands was 'The Living Volume of the Dead' (A/N: Don't ask me how i got that name, it just popped into my idiotic brain) 

Now that they had the book, they just had to find the spell they needed. For now they could rest.

I am in no way sorry for short chap 


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