9-Cirenworth, England 2013

47 5 8

Jem and Emma were sitting on the couch laughing. Tessa and Julian were in the kitchen making pies. Julian and Emma thought to pay a visit to Jem and Tessa while in their travel year, so here they were chatting with the century-old couple. Kit was in the room playing with Mina. Just as they finished making pies, Tessa called out, "Kit come have some pies with us" "comin' mom" Kit replied. By the time  Julian and Tessa took the pies to where Jem and Emma were sitting, Kit had already come there and was waiting for the pie. 

Everyone was laughing at some joke Emma made by the time they finished their pies. Just as Tessa took the last bite of her pie, Mina cried out, "Comin' Mina" Tessa shouted and dashed to her room. But Mina's crying didn't stop. Jem sighed and stood up, the whole party, including Jem, Emma, Julian  went into Mina's room to see her crying uncontrollably. Jem took Mina from Tessa and attempted to stop her from crying. "c'mon Mina mine, stop crying my love" Jem said. But Mina cried harder. Even Julian and Emma's attempts were in vain. 

Kit was out in the garden looking for a flower to give Tessa when he heard Mina crying. He raced inside the house to Mina's room and saw Julian and Emma trying to calm her down, in one stride he went near them and scooped Mina into his arms, "Hey Min-Min what happened?" he said softly. And that did the magic!! Mina stopped crying instantly and snuggled into Kit. "Aww someone wants to sleep huh ? Kit said.   

Jem and Tessa stared at the kids dumbstruck. Mina topped crying as soon as Kit took her into his arms. "How did you do that?" Emma whispered. "She feels safe now, her mom, dad and me all are here. She knows, if she sleeps now, then nothing will come and get her. With that he kissed Mina's temple who now fell asleep in his arms and took her and gently placed her in the cradle...thassit she cried again and stopped only when Kit lifted her into his arms again. 

Jem motioned the others to come out. once in the living room Tessa blurted out "Kit and Mina are so adorable". Jem offered his wife a gentle smile and said "yes they are". They both now knew it for sure that Kit was going to stay with them forever now. Despite his assurances, they had their doubts, but now they knew he'd stay. Maybe not for them, but for Mina atleast, they developed a bond that was not so easy to break

"Kit manages Mina really well, reminded me of Mr.once-upon-a-time-but-not-anymore-parabatai here" Emma said. Julian hit her playfully on her head making her gasp dramatically she stood up from the couch and cried pointing at Julian, "You hit me Blackthorn. But guess what? my uncle here is going to kick you of the house for it and i will be companion less" she turned towards Jem and said, "Uncle Jem i agree what he did was a grave mistake, but please do not kick him out of the house. Have mercy upon this young couple." She turned towards Tessa, and said in a much more dramatic way- if that was possible- "Tessa you have lived for more than hundred years! you of all people should know that a couple must never be seperated!! Tell your husband to have mercy on us."

"Umm...Emma..."  Jem interupted Emma, "I was thinking of no such thing...." he said slowly. Emma looked at Jem as if he were crazy and said, A  boy hits your niece in front of you and you decided to keep quiet about it? By the angel, which world am i?!! This is a curse! People stopped caring about me or what!!" Emma sighed dramatically and flopped down beside Julian and leaned her head on Julian's shoulder and said, "THIS IS BETRAYAL!" Tessa and Jem were seeing another version of Will and Lucie, and Julian, well he was seeing Ema only. 




All the four of them sprang into action. But before they could even take a step, their vision blacked out and they passed out.

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