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Clary opened her eyes and bolted up straight.
"Ouch"  that was a girl's voice and Clary felt the right side of her forehead shoot up with pain. Then she realised that she hit a girl. (canon scene pls imagine it... I'm gng to write abt Sebby and Jon now)


Ema was drenched from head to toe. She knocked on the door of her house, and was shocked when Sebestian stood in the doorway instead of Ava-her twin. "Where were you?" He asked, his emerald green eyes full of  concern. She just shook her head. She just wandered into the city after meeting Seb and Jon- she was too heartbroken to face her sister, who was raging with anger on Valentine for the Heartbreak Ema was suffering.

She met his eyes and whispered "I'm tired". Seb just nodded and ushered her inside.


Seb led Ema to her room. She went in and closed the door, and he went to grab a snack for Ema. In the kitchen were Jon and Ava, debating abt who shud get the last cookie in the plate. Seb smiled as he looked at Ava. Sure both the twin sisters had similar body builds but it was impossible to say they were twins, unless you knew they were twins.

Ema was a  blonde with mesmerising blue eyes whereas the Ava was a  brunette with chocolate brown eyes. But both the sisters were tough and fierce. He loved the Cardale sisters..Ava was his parabatai and Ema stole his heart.


Shadow World UnraveledМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя