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Dear diary,
Who does she think she is? Okay, she is my mother, so? Does she really have to keep that many restrictions upon me? Why can't I be like other kids? I seriously have the most shittiest life in the world!!! I mean what kind of mother wouldn't let her 13year old son even talk to his friends on phone? I know such a stupid rule right!! Whatever I HATE HER. She thinks she is a Goddess: well she IS NOT A GODDESS!!! Instead I would like to call her Lillith-that's right, the princess of hell and now that bitchy little sister of hers i hate her tooo!!! Why the hell can't i close the door of my room?? She beat me on my knuckles today just because i closed the door to my room. Apparently she thought i was raising a demon in here!! As if they even exist! I just want this stupid life of mine to end.
Please God strike me dead
I can't live this life anymore and adding to my pain in knuckles (thanks to my mother) my aunt: that bitchy sister of my mother whipped me. Why? Because i asked if i could go to the fair with my friends.. sadistic right? Ya ik. And on top of this i am not even her real child..she is just my foster mother and look how she thinks she has every right on me!!If only my parents didn't die in that crash, maybe i would have had a better life. Fine I can't write anymore, my knuckles are paining way too much. Let's hope i don't wake up tomorrow.. dying is better than living with these evil witches.
Yours,in pain
Jonathan Christopher Morgerstern

With that Jonathan (a/n: let's call him jon for short) went to his bed and layed on his back and immediately regretted it. A sharp pang went through him his aunt whipped him really hard there. Finally after 1hr of twisting and turning he fell asleep hoping very hard that he won't wake up tomorrow.

When it was dead of the night jon woke up feeling as if someone else was there in his room. He quickly scanned the room and froze..his instincts were right, there on the chair was sitting a man he had white hair and he looked very much similar to jon himself. "Who are you?" Jon whispered. The man smiled and said "Well my name happens to be Valentine". Realisation dawned on jon as he remembered a small incident from his childhood
"What is my father's name?" Jon asked through gritted teeth. Had to agree he was pretty hotheaded for a five year old. "Why do you want to know?" His foster mother asked him as bored by this conversation. "Just tell me" he said again..The woman:his foster mother sighed and said "Valentine. Valentine Morgerstern is his name"
*Flashback done*

"Y-y-you are m-my f-f-father" Jon stuttered. He never stuttered but given his dead father was sitting right in front of him he did.

"I should have never left you son" Valentine sighed "Come dear let's go home. I'll give you the best life come with me and no i am not dead darling come let's go home. A healthy lifestyle awaits us" jon was more than happy to go with his father and he immediately agreed. Then his father did something on his room wall and it started to shimmer and shine blue his father took his hand and walked through the portal. And truly his life did change.

A/N : So how was that??? Please feel free to comment and point out my mistakes. This is my first Shadowhunter fanfic damnnnnn: this is my first fanfic altogether hope you enjoy it. Happy reading:)
P.S: vote if you liked my story:)
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