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I am backkkk.
So who do u think Clary saw??
Read on to find out my loving readers!

Clary couldn't believe her eyes.
In front of her was her prince..the boy whom she never met but yet always sketched..his bright emerald green eyes and chalk white hair... Clary couldn't help but stare at him. It was as if this boy came out of her imagination..as if all her sketches came to life

"U have to go" he said looking right into her eyes. Clary snapped out of her trance and said
"But why?"
"Clary" ,he said, "u have  to go, this place isn't Safe for u"
Just then Clary's ph. Started ringing. she picked up the call and said "For heaven's sake mom I'm comin' home wait" (a/n: the conversation is below: J for Jocelyn and C for
Clary and jo for Jonathan)
J: U will not come home..u can't (something smashes in the background)
C: mom what's happening? Wdym I can't come home?
Jo: By the angel they've done it
J: Clary go find Luke.. he'll take u to the institute(more crashing and some undecipherable voices but) clearly evil
C: Institute?? Mom wat r u talking abt??
J: Clary remember i love you
----Call ends----
"Mom, mom!!!!!" Clary yelled at the phone. She turned around and was abt to go out of the door when her prince grabs her by the hand, and says, "Clary, u heard ur mom, listen to her go find Luke".

"How do u know my name?" Clary asked tonelessly. The boy sighed and replied "i cant say, but ur not safe here, please go find Luke and go to the institute..." His voice trailed off as Clary's vision started to blur at the edges. The last thing she heard before everything turned black was someone whispering "Stay with me Clary"

Clary opened her eyes to see directly into two dark blue eyes staring intently at her.
"Phew ur awake..i started to think u'll get up at the end of the century" The girl said.
Clary squinted her eyes and The girl's details slowly started to become clear. The girl had dark blonde hair kept up in a messy bun, and was thin.
"Who are u?" Clary asked.
"I am Ema. Ur well wisher. I swear by the angel i won't h harm u"
Clary looked at the girl and said"where am i?"
"In the institute, just listen to me please..take this" the girl, Ema said handing Clary a bracelet, "wear it.. it'll keep you safe and go find Luke"
Clary cud feel her eyes dropping and then she slipped into darkness again.

So how was that? Ema is a new character added by ME and is kinda important..dnt underestimate my gal she is beautiful.

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