January 17

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Hey guys.

I'm sorry its been so long.

I've been so caught up in dealing with school and just everything.

I had the stupid science fair project board to make Tuesday night and I've just had so much homework. But Nick made a Facebook so now he can "text" me and we stay up all night talking and joking about random shit like the girls do with their guy best friends in the books.

He's really sweet. The other day he told me I'm his everything. But then I felt bad today because he said as long as I was there he was happy and I had told him I had to go (because I wanted to sleep on the hammock in my backyard.)

Ok so I hadn't HAD to go but I mean if you knew how comfortable that hammock is you'd do the same.

So we're learning about space in science right and it was like talking about the end of the universe and blackholes and all this stuff and it just gets me thinking these deep things and idk that sounds pretty weird. But we were watching this video and it said something about how oblivion will come and I just thought "Oblivion is inevitable" and almost started crying in the middle of class.

Life as I know itजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें