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So I realize I didnt post this for Friday but I didn't realize it until I got in bed to sleep and my phone was at 23% so I couldn't do it them so yeah here's Friday's (10/3) stuff. 

So Nicolas has been very good at the whole "Avoid Olivia to drive her mad" thing. He didnt talk to me ONE TIME this week. 

Blah blah blah passed my Spanish test again blah blah Alex keeps talking about Josh blah blah blah I cant remember anything that happened Friday.

So on Fridays we have Karaoke Friday in choir and so girls will go up and sing in front of the class and I never did it at all last year but I wanted to. And I really want to do it this year because these girls clap even if you suck majorly so at least if I suck no one will laugh at me. Plus my voice is A LOT stronger this year and I'm a lot more confident and I sing in front of more of my friends than I ever have before lately so I want to do it. So I'm thinking I'll try to find a good song I love and get it memorized (if its not already) and maybe do it soon? I dont know, my goal is that I do it before my birthday in December. So yeah.

Oh and we got new seats in Spanish and I absolutely HATE IT. I sit next to this kid, Preston. Hes so freaking annoying and stupid. And I dont sit with Alba anymore. She's only 2 seats away but still, now Kevin sits between us. And Gracy is in the same row as her but 2 seats up so I mean she's not too far away. But Alex is too far away and she doesnt text me hardly nor talk to me anyway so screw that. YES ALEX I AM TALKING TO YOU ANSWER MY TEXT DAMN IT ITS NOT EVEN 9:30 DO NOT TELL ME YOU'RE ASLEEP

Oh and I'm failing algebra so if the updates suddenly stop just know its because I couldnt get my grade up in a week and mom decided to steal my phone and ground me from having a normal teenage life of staying on WattPad all night, texting all day, and having my best friend over every weekend.

So yeah have a nice night/day, whatever it is on your planet and yeah. So bye.

Life as I know itNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ