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My sister swears up and down she has 6 guys that like her but only 3 are cute and 1 has asked her out twice this week. Like no, you're 11 years old shut the fuck up. Like if its a lie (which is my theory) then why make up crap like how she swears she's one of the 5 most popular girls in school. And if its true, shut the fuck up, I dont need an 11 year old with a better love life than me.

Isaac gave me his last candy bar of the kind I like. 

Ugh I gotta clean my room as soon as I get home. I have a little more than 2 hours until Zalea comes over and my room is a mess. We're going to the football game tonight cause its homecoming and we're playing her school. (Which idk but I think I probably mentioned that already but idk maybe I didnt.)

So George (Zaleas ex and my ex friend) said in science he was gonna be a loner at he game so I said (knowing he and Zalea hate each other, but he still thinks we're friends) that me and Zalea would be there and got so serious and he goes "WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THAT!?" It'd be a lot funnier if you understood their relationship I swear.

OH. MY. GOD. But I am so fucking tired of people saying choir is easy and all you have to do is show up.

Alex, I love you, but I'm about to freak out about this again. Don't take any offense about the band remarks I may make, I'm still just pissed because someone said it was easy again today so I need to rant again.

But oh my god choir is not easy. You have to do a lot. Band; all you have to do is remember what the fingerings for your instrument are. Choir, you have to remember words, pitches, vowels. A lot goes into our performances, we do high school music that is harder than the stuff we actually do in high school. And we're completely underrated talent. We are really really good and nobody believes us, but rhey dont care enough to go to the concert. Our concert is the week after next and nobody is taking this seriously and showing up to our extra rehearsals. I swear its like I work with amateurs

And here is my argument: (messages sent to a friend who said it was easy, this explains when I asked questions)

TELL ME CAN U PLAY AN INSTRUMENT IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE!? DO U HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DICTION IN BAND? Do u even kno what diction is? What about vowels? Do u have to kno exactly how to pronounce your vowels in band? Or that keeping your mouth opened taller makes u sound older than u r when singing? Oh! What about words? Thats an obvious one, do u have to memorize words and pitches and have to be able to find a pitch when its not played and have to remember the exact pitch and not go sharp on the high notes and flat on the low ones? And don't u guys use ur music during concerts? Bc even beginner choir has to memorize their music. Choir is a LOT harder than u think and I'm tired of working my ass off to make things perfect to get ones at UIL and make Region Choir and have everything thing perfect AND STILL BE UNDERRATED. We sound good enough to get all ones at UIL but she still messes with it all until it is absolutely perfect like we could be in the opera in houston perfect. WE DO SING HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL MUSIC!!!!!!!! See? We're completely underrated and um we have to memorize when to do things like slur and slide and dynamics and when we change keys, we have to already know what the note is and btw our music is so advanced that for Ally Bally Bee, we are split up into 6  parts! Thats about 6 girls per part. And no we dont spend 1,000s of dollars on equipment and everything, but wouldn't that just mean that choir would be better because its cheaper? Free really except for things like formals and tshirts. And no we dont sing at the games but why is that? WE'RE STILL UNDERRATED! And no, we dont stay after school every week but do u kno how hard it is for people to get rides? Thats why, 6 weeks before a concert, Bilek starts nitpicking every little mistake, today we spent about half an hour on the 1st's bc they went sharp once. It doesnt matter if u cant sing tho, bc trust me, lots of girls in our choir cant sing, but when we get on stage we still make it and it sounds like one voice singing each part and nothing sticking out. The ONE thing thats makes me happy and forget about all the shit going on in the world has pple saying all u have to do is show up and that its so easy. How the hell do u all think we feel? Nobosy wants to go to the choir concerts, everybody goes to band. And guys are embarrassed to be in choir. Girls don't have this problem with guys in band. Guys in band arent ashamed of what they do. "Ooh look I can push buttons and blow" Guys in choir are just like "I love singing this song I love the dynamics I love how the notes fit perfectly together This sounds amazing" and then as soon as anyone not in their choir is around its just like "oh my god i hate choir its so stupid its so easy" Now do u understand why I'm freaking out about the thing that choir is harder and not easy at all? Bc the one thing that brings happiness in my life is judged by people who wouldnt last a day doing that are "so sure" all u have to do is show up.

This pisses me off so much I can't even like honestly if you really think choir is easy, please by all means come to choir every day week after next and just SEE how stressful it gets the week of a concert. So I'm sorry if I've offended ANYONE in band but tell me have you ever seen your choir perform?

You know the choir sounds amazing when you keep missing things yet the band director still says its perfect and beautiful DAYS AFTER YOU SING FOR HER..Thank you Ms Santerelli.

And that was us before Mezzos could hit the Mi to Do 3rd-interval and Soprano 1s were going sharp and Altos weren't on pitch.

And here ends the rant.

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