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So me and Alyssa went and sat in our regular seats in history. Mr Thomas saw us and said "Those aren't your seats, sit where I told you to yesterday." So we went like the good ones we are and sat in those terrible seats. I looked back at Alyssa putting my feet up on the chair next to me and she goes "Fuck" and I said "Wow THAT he remembers" and we laughed a little bit.

About half way through the class he walks by me and says "Put your leg down thats not ladylike" and I put it down but gave him this look that was just telling him "Excuse you?" and he looked at me for a moment and he goes "Nevermind you can put it back up" and walked away.

I'm gonna admit, I felt pretty badass then.

Then about 5 minutes later he goes "Hey wheres Vivian? I just noticed she wasnt here." And I look at Alyssa giving her a look asking if she knew. She told me Mr Thomas wrote her up yesterday and so because of that, she's not allowed to be in his class for 3 days. She comes back Friday though.

So he fucking ruined my mood. I was actually having a good day for once and then before the bell even rings he tells us to move seats.

So then me and Alyssa were complaining and venting about it in choir.

So I stayed after school today for our sing off. Basically we sing a part of both of our audition pieces for Region and hang out and eat cookies.

Isaac and Fransisco (another bass) were there but Nick wasn't because he had to go visit someone in the hospital all day today. So me Isaac and Gracy kept messing around having fun until I had to sing.

Anyway I sang my cuts and then Ms Bilek kept telling me how much I've grown as a singer and how much better I am now than last year and she literally said she wanted to cry because I've gotten so good. She said if I be a little bit louder in the audition room Saturday they're SURE to pick me to be in the mixed choir.

I really hope I make mixed choir. I already know 3 of the pieces for it. Yeah I also know 3 of the pieces for Women's Chorus and it'd be amazing to be in Women's Chorus, the Mixed Choir is the best you can get. So thats what I want to get. Zalea said I'll make it and so did Mrs Bilek and Gracy and Isaac but idk I'm just nervous I'll freeze up like last year.

Zalea had her concert tonight and her solo (which she did AMAZING on) I didn't get to go but I mean she's my best friend in the entire world, I can feel it she did amazing.

6th grade Band at the middle schools both had their concerts tonight...I guess they probably alright, I dont know I dont pay attention to any of them. Thats what grade my sister is in, I dont even know most of those kids.

And the High School's choir concert was also tonight. I wamted to go but you know, I would've rather gone to Zalea's concert but also my mom had already taken a shower and didnt want to change and fix her makeup and everything. But Keely recorded Carol of the Bells for me to hear at school tomorrow because thats my favorite Christmas song and she knows I love it.

My dad said he might take me to get highlights in my hair like I asked next weekend. And its going to be perfect because he's going to take me shopping and out for lunch and to get my highlights and then Zalea is going to stay that night so she'll get to be the first person besides my family to see me with highlights and everything and its going to be so cool. OMG I JUST REALIZED One Direction is going to be on Saturday Night Live that night so its REALLY going to be perfect.

Oh and I just realized in two days,the day of my concert, Thursday, it'll be my one month anniversary with Nick. That's actually kind of cool. I didn't notice that until today...huh..

Well I got to go..LOVE YA bye!!!

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