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So I have nothing really to write but since I don't want to get yelled at by Alex again, I came up with the idea to post how I feel around each of my closest friends so yeah.

Alex: like a fucking genius. And like I'm the only one who can tell when someone shouldn't be trusted.

Nikki: I feel like our conversations (outside of church) are just like "Fuck" "Don't fucking swear!!" Probably my weirdest friend, but its so much fun and there is never a dull moment.

Zalea: Like I can say and do anything. Nothing can stop me. Its ok to cry though. Its also ok to be a big dumbass. Like I can actually be myself without being judged, even in public. And that I know I'm not alone and I can trust her with all of my darkest, deepest secrets.

Kelli: She's so innocent I feel like some badass rebel or something and I'm the complete opposite. Im just not as innocent.

Emma: Its ok to say or do something stupid..because she will end up doing the same within the next 2 minutes.

Kaylee: Its ok to be a dumbass. Its normal for us to have super deep convos then the next minute be laughing about a goat..

Keely: Its ok to be a dumbass, but dont mention a guy or else you'll get teased.

...that's all my friends 7 of I'm a loner..

Life as I know itHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin