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These people in my ELA are so annoying. Now I have nothing against nerdy people but I mean this girls have Beatles CDs in their jackets and carry Harry Potter wand replicas around. Then they try to act all cool and street like no youre not thug or ghetto or any of this stuff you think can they please all three move to a boarding school far away? Ugh I hate people.

Eww we had this stupid partner thing again in Spanish and I was just like alone while Gracy Alba and Alyssa all worked together. Alex and Amy were in something for NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) but they worked together as soon as they got in there.

Oohh I am so mad at Isaac right now. He sitting there talking shit about my best friend. Saying she has something wrong with her. I swear I was about to hit him. He knows that if he does anything to her or says anything to or about her he will drive me insane.

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