30 Day Challenges

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Ok so I really wanna do another 30 Day Challenge and I've narrowed it down to two.

One is the Disney Challenge which will help me go back to updating every day and the other is the Song Challenge. If I do the song challenge I feel like it would be kind of lame to just post which song I pick and why picked it but if I posted which one it is and why I picked it on here and then a cover of it on YouTube would you guys actually listen to it? Or should I just do the Disney one? I like the idea of the ong one but I dont know if you guys would actually like that one and I kind of suck at singing. I mean I think I suck but I know a couple people who think I'm good, but I doubt it.

So please, I know the only two that really comment on here are Nikki and Alex, the people I know, so if any others of you could please comment and tell me what you think? I know its November 9th but I will probably start December 1st so you have until then to help me decide.

I love you all!!!

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