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Happy New Years everyone! Hope everybody had a good one!

So what did y'all do last night tho celebrate that it's actually 2015 now?

Well we actually got invited to a party this year. In fact it was the first party my moms been invited to in years. But of course she didn't want to go party with my principal (who'd also invited my sisters and I since get daughter is on Evie's softball team.) She doesn't want to give me the joy off being able to go back to school and say I spent New Years with the principal. So we didn't get to go. We had to stay home and do nothing. In fact I watched That's So Raven and Lizzie Maguire while they were in their rooms watching tv.

Then at midnight (the 3 of us that were awake) went out to see people shooting of fireworks and we opened fortune cookies asset midnight to see what our fortune for the year was and mine was the best. It said "If you want the rainbow, you must tolerate the rain." So I'm hoping all the rain was last year and 2015 will be my rainbow. But maybe this year will be the rain and 2016 will be the rainbow (which would be at least partly true, I turn 16 in 2016 stop I'll get my license then. But this year I'll get my permit I can't wait to be able to drive.

What are You're New Years Resolutions? Mine are to get over my damn stupid ass stage fright, be more confident, to love myself. and to get over Jake (which I already am...at least a little bit. I don't think about him every day anymore..now I can't stop thinking of Nick (which isn't helping me since I can't see him for another 4 days.) But I'll be cool..well, as cool as I could be.

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