
24 0 4

We had a Spanish test yesterday and my fucking teacher made me go write an answer on the board because I was one of the ten who didnt think they needed to study because I was so brilliant at it. Like um I don't speak Spanish, I took this class to learn what I'm saying when I sing in Spanish how the hell would I be a genius? I got the question right though do I proved her pregnant ass wrong though.

But I mean how did she know I didnt study like yes I know I didnt study but thats because I didnt have enough time. Like for real I barely finished my History homework during science today but still how in the HELL did she know I didnt study? And if she was just guessing what the hell made her think that because I do all my work and turn it in on time and everything and its not like I'm loud in that class because I have Alba who sits behind me and Gracy and Alex both sit rows away so I don't talk to them so what the hell.

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