11/27 (Thanksgiving)

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So how is everybody? Sorry I haven't posted, there's nothing to post about really because I haven't had school this week because its Thanksgiving Break.

So I haven't even started all my math projects due Monday and its Thursday. So I have basically Friday to do them because Saturday I'm going to Zalea's house. BUT Friday NIGHT she's coming to my house so I have really, the day part of Friday to finish ALL this work. Yeah, I'm screwed.

Oh and I have to finish some stupid bingo card thing for Spanish too.

We did some thing for church yesterday and Nikki kept asking about Nicolas and I'm just like uh well we haven't seen each other since Friday and she already knows everything that happened then (which really was nothing.)

My dog got fixed yesterday so she can't have puppies and she has to wear a cone for 7-10 days. She hates it. She's already managed to pull it off in her kennel and she won't stop crying while I was trying to sleep.


I can honestly say this year I've really thought about the things that I'm thankful for and its not stupid things like "I'm thankful for internet."

After dealing with just everything I've dealt with in the past year or so, I am thankful for other things instead.

I'm thankful for my closest friends, Zalea, Nikki, Kaylee, Julia, Alex. I'm thankful for ALLLLLL my family, (and its a lot.) And I'm thankful to have Jesus in my life and to be alive and healthy with a roof over my head.

So after we had thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's house, (my mom's mom) we went to my abuela's house (my dad's mom) and hung out over there. I played lotteria but I lost all my money so now I only have 25 cents left. Its all my sister's fault, she kept picking the bad cards and so she loat all my money. But at least we had fun.

My cousin Cynthia made us cakeballs too. So we sat and ate cakeballs while playing lotteria being the loud Mexicans we are. (No offense to anyone though.)

So yeah that was my Thanksgiving, pretty fun. Love hanging out with my dad's side of the family because they are loud just like me. But my tías (aunts), tíos (uncles) and cousins like to hug and I don't. But yeah it was all a lot of fun.

Til next time, bye ya

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