30 Day Blog Challenge Day 7

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Your favorite childhood toys.

Um I dont really remember any of my childhood toys, honestly I just had a lot of dolls. I had toys, but none were any that really stood out for me.

But I did have this one doll, it was Franklin. You know, that little turtle named Franklin with the red baseball hat that always played with his friends the bears and beavers and all? Yeah that Franklin. Anyway when I was a little kid, I was practically addicted to Franklin, I always read the little books and watched the show. So he was my favorite. My grandma gave him to me before my first birthday. She tells me everytime she sees him this story, apparently it was around September when my grandpa gave him to me, but he hadnt realized that grandma was saving it for my birthday in December. But she still gave him to me and didn't take him away.

I used to have this major attachment to him. Like I wouldnt be able to fall asleep if he wasnt in my arms next to me. I'd slept with him probably until I was 9 or 10..yeah I was a fourth grader that was scared to sleep without my doll. Anyone, I've outgrown the whole "he has to be next to me when I sleep thing" now but I have this shelf thats at the foot of my bed on the wall and I keep him right there so he can "watch over me" while I'm sleeping every night.

So yeah I guess thats kind of my favorite childhood toy, I guess. I had a few other dolls I was pretty attached to, Bluebonnet, Polo Jr., this purple bunny I never named, and a white bear I never named.

Bluebonnet is this doll that my mom had gotten when she was 6, I think and then she was passed down to me. She had two baby blue braids that went on each of her shoulders and wore a blue bonnet and blue checkered dress, (with matching blue shoes of course).

And Polo Jr. is named after my dad because his name is Polo Jr. and the shirt that the teddy bear wears, was my dads when he was younger and says Polo Jr. on it. 

The purple bunny is the only thing I have left of my Uncle Jason. He gave it to me when I was either 2004 or 2006 and then he got married to Liz. Liz doesnt like us though so she doesnt let Uncle Jason see us, so Ive never seen my baby cousins that are about 1 year old.

And the white bear was a Christmas (or birthday) gift from my Uncle Joe, Uncle Jason's brother. And he gave it to me in 2008. I have other things of Uncle Joe's but he's kinda sorta in prison again. (He didnt do anything bad just unsafe for himself)

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