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I got LOTS of candy. I got Warheads, I got Airheads, I got Smarties, I got M&M's, I got Skittles, and other thing I dont feel like mentioning.

It was fun. We went as the Ninja Turtles. I know, family group costumes are SOOO lame and overrated, but it was pretty funny making fun of people we saw that I didnt like.

We've ALWAYS done group costumes and its seriously lame but it is a little fun sometimes. I've already had a lot of candy so I'm kind of hyper and probably wont get a lot of sleep tonight but hey? Who gives a flying purple fuck?

Did any of y'all go Trick or Treating? What'd you be? I need ideas for next year, mom wants to do Russian Nesting dolls but none of us do so I need ideas that will be better.

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