Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since I started Stanton High. I would be the biggest bitch if I say I do not enjoy going to school. For some reason I can't explain, I am always in a good mood on my way to school. I leave my dad completely puzzled a few times. He asked me a while ago if a boy was involved. Ha! If only he knew. He knows exactly how much I hate going to school, so he must be confused but I don't blame him, it also confuses me a few times.

I am sure if it is the sudden chemistry I have with Iris' brother that is trying to bemuse me into thinking I actually like school.

Ever since I met Iris' brother in the school theater two weeks ago, it has become a tradition, we always hung out in the school's theater when we have math. I know a lot about him now because he is the one always doing the talking.

I know he is depressed as hell, he doesn't even have to tell me. He told me how his best friend set him up and he almost lost his life and now his ex-best friend is in college, living his best life without guilt and here he is, still suffering from the injuries from that accident and having to repeat his class and watch his classmates graduate right under his nose. He told me how he had to act like he didn't exist in school because he couldn't bear the shame, how he walks with his gaze on the ground because he hates the attention from the girls, which makes sense because almost every girl in school wants to go out with him, it's quite suffocating.

He told me how he hates the fact that his parents are  still friends with the family of his ex-best friend and how they wouldn't stop trying to make them friends again. How his ex-girlfriend wouldn't leave him alone, how he hates taking his medicines, how his life much his life sucks and nobody seems to care.

He finally told me his name after I threatened to tell Iris about his little hideout. His name is Jacob. What a simple but enchanting name.

He intrigued me and I was always kinda hoping we spoke more. He seemed interesting but I also realized he always skipped the last period even when it was not math. I don't have the balls to do that, not because I didn't want to but honestly, I don't want to catch the attention of the students especially the BTL girls.

I guess Jacob also knew catching their attention wasn't going to be good for both of us especially me, so he usually walked past me in the hallway, class, even at the cafeteria and pretended I was not the same girl he's been opening up to.


I grunt with my eyes squinted stretching for my alarm. I turn it off and stretch my ass out. I sigh in relief when I realize what day today is.

I stand up abruptly and head towards the bathroom. I glance at my yoga mat and roll my eyes. I know damn well today is a yoga day, but ever since I started school two weeks ago, I always have little time on my hands, and I am stressed as hell.

I hear shuttering downstairs, Maggie is probably making breakfast. I turn the heater on, pull out my toothbrush, and shut the bathroom door close.


"I hate these stupid boots, who the hell sold these to him" I yell as I run down the stairs fidgeting with my boots. Today am in a purple sweater with denim jeans and some boots my dad bought me. Today is a Friday and I need to feel as comfortable as I can and to be honest, it is not working.

"Well, good morning to you too" My dad answers from the kitchen. I glance at him and roll my eyes. Quite surprised he's here today eating breakfast, he never does that. He has a mug in his hand. Maggie is sitting across him smiling widely at me, she look like she was having a convo with my dad. When did these two get this close?.

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