Chapter 2

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I sighed loudly when the bell finally chimed. I looked around with wide eyes as the students surged out of the class, bumping each other as if there was a stampede.

I was here feeling like shit cause all I was reckoning about was yoghurt. I didn't know they were feeling what I was feeling.

I would rather wait here till they all leave, because I am light as hell with no balance and I might end up being squashed like a tomato.

My stomach had been growling loudly all day. And all I needed was some fresh yogurt, I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I was so late, and as much as hungry as I was, all I wanted was some cold fresh bitter yogurt.

My stomach growled loudly again and I fidgeted nervously as I wrap my arms around my stomach and put my head on the desk with my eyes shut.

"Well, I heard that," a rather fierce deep voice says behind me.

Oh my God. He must be the student who sits behind me.

Oh, this is embarrassing, this is my first day in school for God's sake, can my day get any worse? my worst nightmare will be anyone bullying me because my stomach growled.

I sigh and open my eyes casually, I would rather put my head on the desk all day than see what he looked like. I heard his footsteps as he approached me, I tighten the hold of my stomach.

He paused right beside me, I blinked as his cologne brushed my nose, I bite my lips, that is an amazing smell. I said quietly.

I glance at his feet, look away, furrow my eyebrows, and look again with my eyes wide open. He's wearing an Air Jordan III OG. Omfg. What is he? Jeff Bezos' son?

"The cafeteria is opened, and there's free food if it's diarrhea too, there are lots of bathrooms in this school, just in case you didn't know, your stomach has been growling all day, it was hard for me to ignore that". He says bluntly and walks away.

I slowly lift my head to have a peep of what he looks like and I wish I never did.

I mean he is tall as hell, he's almost the same height as my dad if I'm not exaggerating.

He had long curly black hair, he certainly was not very muscular but he had enough muscles not to be skinny, and he walked in super slow motion which made his curly hair bounce perfectly as he moved.

I was not sure how his full face looked like because I could only see his side profile but trust me, that was the most beautiful side profile I had ever seen.

I swallowed hard as he finally left the class.
I blinked away and my eyes immediately caught the last people I wanted to see right now.
They were already scowling at me as if I stole their kidneys.
I roll my eyes, pick my books, and quickly toss them into my backpack, but I could still hear their footsteps approaching.

I do not have time for these high school barbie clowns and screaming queens right now.

"What did he say to you?.

I look straight at the brunette who asked me. I shrug and shake my head.
"Nothing" I answer quickly, tossing my backpack over my shoulder as I hurriedly make my way out of the classroom.

"I asked you a question bitch". She exclaims. Hopefully, I was already out of the class and I wasn't turning back.


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