Chapter 15

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S A V A N N A H ~

Today is exactly a week since I showed up in school after the incident at Tucker's party and I must confess, this past week has been a lot calming and less tormenting for me.

I know what ensued that night still lives rent-free in everyone's head, but most of them are over it. I still get cold stares here and there from some of the kids but most of them just walk past me as if nothing happened.

The BTL girls have conveyed me in a little space. Leah just gapes hard at me in class, in the hallways and the cafeteria but doesn't utter a word to me. Bethany on the other hand deliberately tripped me in the hallways but then apologized as if it was a mistake. Tucker, he just walks gawks at me all the time. So far so good, I've not had my head shoved in the toilet for while now which is a good thing.

Jacob and I still walk past each other every day at school without saying a word to each other. He still steals glances at me in class. I believe he is the reason why most people have stopped bullying me. If he really regrets what he did to me, he should apologize to me rather than utilizing people.

He is an asshole but he still makes my heart flutter, every single time I see him. I want it to stop so bad but it just won't. I want to stop fretting about him. Right now, I'm worried sick about him because he didn't show up to school last Friday and on Monday. It's Tuesday already and there is no glimpse of him.

I want to ask Iris about him but she is still mad at me for what reason, I don't know. She doesn't even look at me when I look at her. She avoids me in the hallways and walks briskly past me every time I try to talk to her.

"You're in school early today". I smile at the sound of the voice, slam my locker close and turn to him. Harry!.

Harry and I have gotten closer these couple of days. I mean he wouldn't leave me alone bubbling about how he is my knight and bullshit like that. But he doesn't seem like a pervert, he's just clingy but warm and kind so yeah, we are literally like best friends now.

"Am I?" I assert smiling up at him. He nods as he opens his locker and pulls out his English AP book.

"I thought I had seen your doppelganger". He utters with a smile.

"What? Don't be ridiculous... I come to school early". I say as I lean on my locker.

"I only come to school early when I have a crush on somebody, I always want to catch a glimpse of her walk in the way!". He exclaims with narrowed eyes and I crease my eyebrows at him.


"Are you still worried about him?". He implores and slams his locker close. I take a deep breath and click my tongue.

"I don't know". I utter and sigh. "He usually comes to school early, it's almost 9 and he hasn't shown up....what if something happened?". I utter biting hard on my lips.

"Who cares!!". He blurts out and walks past me.

"I do! Can you go over to his house and find out what is going on?". I plead as I stroll behind him trying to keep up with him.

"No way!" He exclaims and starts making his way up the stairs. I softly grab his arm and he halts and turns sharply at me.

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