Chapter 14

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S A V A N N A H ~

I want to see what real courage is, instead of having the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. I want to believe it's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.

"There is stubbornness in me that can never bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me".

It's a quote in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice that I couldn't get over last night.

No matter how much I thought of it, I couldn't relate to anything as much as I do with this. That is why I woke up today and decided to go to school.

I'm gonna go to school today and face it. I have to graduate and I'm not going to let these pieces of shit bully me into dropping out. That is what they would be wanting and I'm not gonna give them that. Why? Because I am Savannah fucking Jennings!.

I look sternly at myself in the mirror and sigh deeply.
"Okay Savannah, just go to school and ignore everyone". I pep talk myself. "Avoid anyone who is going to make you uncomfortable...our goal is to graduate invisible remember?". I wink at myself and exhale loudly. I roll my eye at my reflection in the mirror, grab buy backpack and head out my door.

R O M A N ~

I gaze intensely at Annah as she halts in front of the school gate. I bite my lower lips so hard so I don't get out of my car. She has a sad, confused expression on her face. Her face contorts as though she is struggling not to cry.

An enormous sense of weariness sweeps over me sucking my energy with it. I hate this. She got off the bus three blocks away from school deliberately wanting to get to school late and sobbing the whole time.

I know she's shitting herself right now wondering how today is going to be. I wish I could do more than just watch her from afar.

I drag my fingers through my hair in frustration. I pull out my phone and dial Harry's number. I bite my lower lips anxiously as I wait for him to pick up the phone.

"What do you want?" His voice breaks in. My eyes lit up abruptly.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"What do you want Roman?". He repeats. I shut my eyes and sigh in frustration.

"If you're already in school, come get her from the front gate...she's been here for a while. I'm tired of watching her". I utter bluntly and hang up. I blink back at Annah but she has disappeared. I crease my eyebrows and peer around the students going through the school but there's no sight of her.

She probably went inside. I hope she meets Harry before they start distressing her.

H A R R Y ~

I sigh and wiggle my head. Roman told me she's here but I've been looking around for the past five minutes and there is no glimpse of her.

"Where the fuck is she?". I mumble to myself with my hands on my waist. Did she already go inside? No! I would have seen her walk past me. Or she did walk past me and I didn't notice her? I groan internally dragging my fingers deep through my hair.

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